Working from the comfort of your home, wearing your comfy PJs, listening to your favorite music, and sipping homemade freshly brewed coffee, doesn’t the idea simply sounds exhilarating. Working from home pretty much includes all of these fun features.
When it comes to the concept of work from home, there are often two clubs with differentiated opinions. One believes that in work from home, employees will not work as efficiently as they should. While the other club believes that in work from home, employees will be happier and hence will be more productive. With the arrival of the Covid – 19 pandemic and lockdown, more and more people are coming to recognize the benefits of work from home and the concept of work from home is receiving popular support and approval in recent times.
To further discuss the idea of work from home in detail, here are some exciting benefits of work from home for employees-
1. Freedom to frame your own schedule
One of the greatest advantages of work from home arrangement is you get to work under a flexible schedule. You get the freedom to work according to your pace and mood as long as you meet the deadline. For instance, if you are working as a content creator or a web developer and you are working from home, then you can choose to write your content or do coding whenever you feel like working. This feature can turn out to be hugely favorable to night owls as they can contribute their eight hours to office work without having to work during the daytime.
Even if your organization asks you to work certain hours when working from home you can still take breaks in between your work. And in these breaks even if it’s for ten minutes you can do something refreshing, mood-uplifting, and rejuvenating like playing a few soothing tunes on your guitar, take a short power nap under the sunshine on your balcony, prepare a quick coffee of your liking, or maybe finish one episode of your favorite sit-com. Unlike office breaks which are boring and allows you to do nothing refreshing, work from home breaks refreshes you for real.

2. You can easily avoid ‘office politics’
When you share an office space with several people, it gets natural for you to build rivalry with one or two of them. This rivalry further can take an ugly turn during the promotion time. This rivalry goes much deeper when the office gets involved and the environment around in the office turns toxic for everyone. And that’s where another great benefit of doing work from home when you work from home you get to avoid this office politics.
At home, the only person you can compete with is you. You also don’t have to bear having annoying co-workers around when working from home. You don’t have to struggle to get the cubicle of your liking, instead, you can easily sit at the comfiest and cozy spot of your home and work. This way you can also get more work done in fewer hours.

3. Fun and effective meetings
Office meetings are often regarded as synonymous with buzz-kill and boring. No matter how much your office authorities try and coax you into enjoying office meetings by offering free donuts and coffee, you can’t gather yourself to like being in a conference room looking at alien faces and listening to some vague stuff. But when you work from home, you can sit wherever you want to, in just a few clicks several similar faces from the office pop up and in 15 minutes the meeting is concluded. So the most exciting advantage of work from home for an employee is he/she can avoid one-hour boring office meetings and be part of fun short zoom meetings.

Office meetings are often regarded as synonymous with buzz-kill and boring. No matter how much your office authorities try and coax you into enjoying office meetings by offering free donuts and coffee, you can’t gather yourself to like being in a conference room looking at alien faces and listening to some vague stuff. But when you work from home, you can sit wherever you want to, in just a few clicks several similar faces from the office pop up and in 15 minutes the meeting is concluded. So the most exciting advantage of work from home for an employee is he/she can avoid one-hour boring office meetings and be part of fun short zoom meetings.
Read this amazing article on tips to hire a digital marketing expert in 2021.
Pic courtesy – Pinterest