Rice Purity Test

Have you guys ever thought of any of the tests that rely upon the person’s innocence level of his sin and good deeds? Here we have brought to you a detailed talk about the Rice Purity Test. The test includes 100 different questions from different scenarios. You can only answer the questions in ‘yes’ or ‘No’.  You can get a score between 0 to 100 after test completion. 0 Score means the lowest amount of purity and 100 means the highest amount of purity. Here we have come with a deep guide about the Rice Purity Test. Are you excited to calculate your rice purity test scores? Let’s find out the history and controversies related to these quirky test scores.

What is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test is a self-graded test with a list of hundred questions. These questions are related to your life experiences. It especially includes questions related to crime, sex, drugs, and alcohol. The score range starts from 0 to 100, where the 100 score means you are very innocent, while a score of 0 means the least pure. These scores resonate with your life experiences. The highest score indicates less life experiences and lower scores indicate more life experiences. These questions are answered by simply selecting ‘yes’ or ‘No’ for every question. 

The Origin of Rice Purity Test:

The rice purity test originated in the early 1900s. A sociologist’s student at Rice University came up with this idea and originated it. It was to gauge the maturity level of students. The intention was to make them bond with each other. The included questions in the test are old but the excitement to know your level remains the same. The questions of the Rice Purity Test have been modified several times. It is to reach its modern state according to time. Its modern version was created in the 1970s. Since then it has been quite popular online. This is a great way of having some fun with friends.  

How the Rice Purity Test Works:

Here is the comprehensive guide to how this test works:

Take the Test:

To take the test, open the Google search bar. You need to search for ‘Rice Purity Test’ there and open the very first result. It will display a list of a hundred questions starting from holding hands and kissing to more intimate activities. You are supposed to tick the answer in ‘yes’ or ‘No’ for everything you have done. We recommend you not overthink the questions and just go with your instinct.

Calculate Your Score:

After answering the entire question you are supposed to calculate your score. For every ‘no’ answer add one point to yourself. 100 score indicates that you have answered ‘no’ to all questions. A zero score indicates that you have answered ‘yes’ to all questions. Many people get a mid-range score or an average score. So don’t think too much about your scores because everyone’s life experiences are different from others and be proud of your life experiences.

Interpret your Score:

If your score is between 70 to 100 that means you haven’t had much experience in life as per this test at least.  If you got a score between 0 to 30 that means you have probably had a great life experience. But ultimately, no test defines your value. You are a unique personality traveling through your complexity. So go ahead with your Rice Purity Test and embrace your score.

Explaining Rice Purity Score in Detail:

(100 to 98):

If you get a score between 100 to 98, it indicates you are the purest, although very few people fall into this score.

 (97 to 94):

The score between 97 to 94, presents that you are quite innocent and pure. Probably you have just kissed someone or held the hands of someone you love.

(76 to 45):

The score between 76 to 45, suggests that you have had quite naughty experiences in life. Such as you have taken drugs or gone against the law. But still, there is a lot more to explore.

(44 to 9):

The score between 44 to 9, signifies that you have tried to do some terrible things. For example, you might have consumed banned drugs, have been behind bars, or have experienced intimacy in public.

(8 to 0):

A lower score between 8 to 0 suggests that you have lived quite a wild and adventurous life experience. For example, you have paid for intimacy.

In the end, don’t judge your life experiences based on your Rice Purity Test Score. There is no need to indulge yourself in some wild activities to alter your life experiences. Focus on living in line and value your life experiences.

The Significance of the Test:

The Rice Purity Test is more than just a list of quirky questions. There are several key significance of taking the test. Some of them are mentioned below-

Strike the Conversation:

College students take the Rice Purity Test to strike up a conversation. It helps them to band and share their good, bad, ugly, life experiences with each other. It often starts a conversation that goes from humorous to more intensive.


The Rice Purity Test is a self-reflection of your life experiences and choices. It acts like an opportunity to analyze and contemplate your life values and beliefs.

Social Bonding:

Taking the test with friends can help to create strong bonding experiences. It helps in creating a sense of camaraderie and shared identity among friends.

Normalization of Experiences:

The test helps college students to understand and normalize the multiplicity of life experiences among college students. It signifies that it is not necessary to have a similar life experience that fits all paths to adulthood. 

The Influence of the Rice Purity Test:

Over the years, the concept of the Rice Purity Test has been extremely popular among college students and youngsters in the United States and beyond. Several factors influence the Rice Purity Test such as:

Social Tradition:

Many times, students take the test just for the sake of a social tradition, during their first year of college to see the maturity level. It’s a way to connect and share your life experiences with other students.

Humorous Insights:

The test’s questions and answers help in providing amazing insights into college students’ diverse experiences and perspectives. Test takers frequently discuss their results and joke around with friends in a friendly manner.

Non-Judgmental Environment:

These tests often help in creating a non-judgmental environment that lets you be open about your life experiences. It helps in creating an environment where individuals can talk about sensitive topics without being judged and criticized.

Is the Rice Purity Test Safe?

At some point in your life, you must have taken the viral “Rice Purity Test” to know the score of your innocence and experiences. Although it is a safe way to share your life experiences with friends. But, this also includes some adult questions related to sexism and racism. Sometimes your parents may not be happy to read these on your screen. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What exactly does the Rice Purity Test mean?

It’s a list of 100 questions that asks different questions including drugs, alcohol, and sexual activity, and provides you a score from 0 to 100.

Can we take the Rice Purity Test anonymously?

Yes, you can take the rice purity test anonymously. Some available websites allow you to take the test without mentioning any personal information.

How Accurate Rice Purity Test Scores Are?

These test scores provide a random measure of life experiences, these are not the most accurate scores, these tests are just for fun and they shouldn’t be taken too seriously.


The Rice Purity Test is a remarkable test that helps students bond and share their life experiences. In the end, don’t judge yourself with the score of the rice purity test. Your life experiences make you a unique person from others. No matter whether your score is 52 or 99, you are still the same personality with your complexity. In this article, we have mentioned a comprehensive breakdown of the Rice Purity Test. Take the test and find what Rice Purity Scores says about your life experiences.