Find Top 5 Options for a Carpet to Tile Transition

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Most of the time people move to tiles from carpets. Carpets being dusty and difficult to clean are no more a priority for the majority of the people. Before people preferred carpets when tiles were not yet in. But the carpet was hard to handle when washing it or cleaning it. But as soon as tiles were in, the idea of carpeted floors got old.

There are different options in which one can move from carpets to tiles. Following are some options for a carpet to file transition:

tile Carpet

1. Standard transition

This is the commonly used method for a carpet to tile transition. The commonly used carpet helper is used in this method. This is known as the tack strip. You must lay tiling in place before you install it. Because the carpet is easily moveable whereas if a tile doesn’t fall into place. It would make you move all the tiles which are time taking and a hectic task.

After the successful placement of tiles, put in a tack strip ranging in length from ¼ to 3/8 inches by the edge of the tile. Now, for allowing the carpet to be properly set into space, use knee kicker for best results.

2. Z-bar installation

It is a better approach for the carpet to tile flooring as compared to the standard method. This method of tile flooring is somehow opposite to the standard method in a way that carpet is installed before the tile. It makes the carpet-tile floor secure. It it does not allow the edges of the carpet to be displaced or moved out of position. This method is known to deliver a secure carpet to tile transition.

3. Concrete transition

If you need to do the transition work to a concrete floor then general adhesives, glues and tack strips cannot be used. The purpose of tack strips is not to hold flooring on a concrete floor and if used it can result in displacement or dismounting of tiles in a few days and the quality of work would certainly fall. There are special glues and adhesives made to be used on the concrete floor and they can be easily found at home improvement stores.

The adhesives to be used on a concrete floor may vary from type to type. Some are fast-drying while some are available in a hot glue style and the others can be put in place using a glue gun.

4. Reducer strips

Reducer strips can be found in a variety of ways but the general installation pattern for them requires glue and screws to make the two materials meet and mount properly. The materials to be mounted are the carpet edge and tile. The reducer strips re generally placed under the edge of the tile when making both materials meet at a place while some T-shaped reducer strips are placed between the tiles to ensure same gap and properly fastened tiles.

5. Mount trap strips to sub-floor

It is a suitable option if you are planning to make the carpet-tile transition. This procedure can be used on a cemented floor too. But it is recommended not to use nails or general adhesives and glues for this purpose. The usage of such improper materials may have a bad impact on the quality of flooring. It is recommended to use a hot style glue or other special glues that can be easily and conveniently applied using glue guns.

This method of carpet tile flooring includes mounting tack strips, hooking carpets for keeping them in place and then install the tiling. It makes your transition look commendable with no breaking and ripping issues. If you happened to live in canton and want a transition from carpet to tiling floor then you may need to consult Flooring contractor for professional advice.