Wonderful Wedding Reception

The big day is coming up quickly, and you want to make sure your wedding reception is the best ever! It’s a big deal, and it really needs to be done right so that you and your betrothed, and all your loved ones, will have a great memory to cherish.

First off you need to get the right caterer. It’s best to go with a tried and true outfit that can handle everything from the food to the glassware hire in Perth so you won’t need to worry about a thing, they will take care of it all for you! You can rely on your caterer, but to get the ball rolling they’re going to have questions about your wishes for the party, so it’s time to put on your thinking cap and create a night to remember!

Themes – This is an option you should consider, some people are happy with just the traditional old-fashioned style, whilst others want something really special that sets them and their pledge of undying love apart from the rest. Some of the favourite themes we have seen in recent years include an Elven Celebration taking place under the cherry blossoms in “Rivendell”, a Blockbuster Broadway Musical theme complete with a live band and dance show, and the tried and true Enchantment Under The Sea theme which suits weddings just as well as it does school dances! There are so many more ideas, just use your imagination! Here are a few tips for a destination honeymoon in Mexico.

Menu – For a classic wedding reception, go with the classics! Steak and lobster, Caesar salad, and plenty of fun appetizers like jalapeno poppers and canapés. The elves are going to serve a succulent roast fowl with herb stuffing, a sweet, creamy fruit salad, and a vegetable tray with blue cheese dressing. For the Broadway set, go big with an Italian meal right out of Little Italy, red sauce lasagne and white sauce fettuccine, pasta salad, and antipasto appetizers. Under the sea? Seafood of course! Baked salmon, clam chowder (have both Boston and New England available!), Shrimp Louie salad, and rolled maki sushi appetisers. No matter how you slice it, no one will go away hungry!

Drinks – For the purposes of this article we will assume you will serve alcoholic drinks, but if that isn’t your thing just substitute the virgin version for your party, for example- sparkling apple cider in lieu of champagne. Now speaking of champagne, yes, and you had better have plenty of it for all those toasts everyone will be making! Have a full bar set up in a convenient position in your venue, and decorate it according to your chosen theme. The bar should be able to serve all the classics like Martinis, Harvey Wallbangers, Manhattans, Gin and Tonics, Screwdrivers, and so on, as well as any speciality drinks you and your guests might request- be sure to let your caterer know in advance if you need Grappa, Sake’, or Sangria so they can make sure to have it ready to pour!

By Punit