Having sensitive ears is something that a lot of people struggle with and it can be really frustrating, especially if you want to wear cute earrings. But what those people don’t know is that there are actually quite a few ways they can still have cute jewellery without going through a lot of pain. 

Can You Find Out the Metals to Which You’re Allergic?

If you have your favourite pair of earrings and they are just wreaking havoc on your ears, the best thing that you can do is go to your dermatologist and get an allergy test. They will do a patch test to see what your skin reacts to. This is a much better and less painful option than buying different earrings and seeing what works and what doesn’t. Once you get the results you will want to get rid of any earrings that contain that material and purchase new ones that don’t have that allergen. 


Something that a lot of people don’t know about is nickel-free agents. For those who are not very sensitive, nickel-free earrings should be the simplest to find and safest to wear. They are also one of the more affordable options, so you can stock up on trendy earrings without worrying if they will go out of style soon. 


Titanium is the best option out there for those who are struggling with allergies. That is one of the main reasons why they are the only material used in the piercing industry. They are just as strong as surgical steel and they are completely hypoallergenic. Titanium earrings are for everyday wear and they are not as expensive as gold or platinum ones. They come in all different styles and they are overall the best material for both medical ear piercings and more stylish ones. 


For those who are looking to have just a few hypoallergenic staple earrings in their collections, platinum is one of the best options that you can choose from. Platinum is a very rare metal that is resistant to corrosion. Even though it is an investment that you are making, it will pay off as it will outlive you. Platinum is the best option if you are looking to purchase a pair of earrings that you want to wear every day. 


Another great material for sensitive ears is solid 14k gold ones. There are very few people who are allergic or sensitive to a neutral metal such as gold, but it is not uncommon that people are. When it comes to solid gold jewellery pieces, we all know that it comes in endless styles and shapes, but as it is pure gold, they will cost more. Where a lot of people go wrong with this, is that they choose the cheaper option that is gold plated rather than solid gold which will cause a flare-up as it is mainly nickel or brass that irritates sensitive ears. If pure gold is something that you can’t afford, you can look for titanium ones that are gold-plated. 

Sterling Silver

Similar to gold, sterling silver is usually safe for those who have sensitive ears, but there are also some people who are. What a lot of people do know is that pure silver is in most cases too soft to be made into earrings, so it usually has the 925 stamp which means that it is 92.5 per cent pure and not likely to irritate your skin.

Get Your Ears Professionally Pierced

The best thing that you can do when you have sensitive ears is to get them pierced in a professional piercer parlour. They will use sterile needles as well as stainless steel or titanium jewellery that is hypoallergenic. When you are getting your ears pierced with a piercing gun you are risking multiple kinds of infections. 

If you are someone who is allergic to most cheap jewellery, but you can’t afford to purchase any hypoallergenic options or you are too sensitive for your favourite pair of earrings, you can do a couple of things in order to wear them still without your ear getting inflamed. The first thing that you can do is paint over them with clear nail polish and the second thing you can do is apply a couple of coats of Vaseline. Keep in mind that these are just short-term fixes, after a longer period of time they will start irritating your ears again. In such cases you should seek other tips to make your ears less allergic to earrings.