What is the ‘This PC’ icon?
The ‘This PC’ icon serves as a comforting icon because we can access any options from this. It is also known as ‘My Computer’ (in of course the earlier version of Windows). ‘This PC’ is an icon that is a shortcut that serves the purpose of giving us access to different drives and folders.
Use of ‘This PC Icon’
When clicked double on the “This PC” icon; a list of drives and storage devices will be on the screen. The list includes our external hard drives, local hard drives as well as USB flash drives. It allows you to browse the content that is accessible. The ‘This PC’ icon also helps you in navigating the other folders and folders within them. It is a very convenient way to do this. Just by double-clicking, you can access the saved folder and files on your PC.
Another important use of the ‘This PC’ icon is that by clicking on it and after selecting the option called ‘Properties’; you can access or view the important details of your computer windows. You will be getting to know about computer names, operating system versions, RAM, processors, and much more.
Not only that, you can create any shortcut files, drives, or folders by right-clicking on the option ‘Create Shortcut’ in the “This PC” Icon in order to access them quickly without any problem.
Summary of features
So to sum up all, the “This PC” Icon serves as a central hub for managing as well as accessing all different drives, properties, and folders on your computer. It is a very convenient option. It will be available on your desktop in almost all Windows versions. But what if you somehow can not find the icon anymore? All the conveniences will be lost and life will become complicated !!
Therefore, in this article, we would be letting you know how to get the “This PC” Icon back on your desktop. This is a tutorial that will help you with getting the “This PC” Icon back. Do not worry; the steps are not that hard or difficult. It is easy peasy. You just need to follow the steps explained elaborately enough for your understanding and You will be set with the “This PC” icon on your desktop.
In order to enable the “This PC” shortcut, follow the below-mentioned steps:-
- First of all the steps, Switch on your PC.
- After that, refresh your PC a couple of times.
- Now, in order to add the missing “The PC” Icon back to your PC’s desktop in Windows 10, you have to just right-click on the empty space on your desktop.
- Once you do that you will be seeing a box containing several options; and then among them you need to choose “Personalize”
- Further to the next step, you need to select the option “Theme” which will be on the left-hand menu.
- After following the previous step, you would be seeing different options on the right-hand side, select the option “Desktop Icon Settings” which will be under the “Related Setting” section.
- Then, in front of your eyes, there would be a window with Desktop Icon Settings.
- Under “Desktop Icons” find the option “Computer” and Click on it.
- After that, Click on the “OK” option given and apply the changes.
- You are done. Yay!
After all these steps, now you will be seeing “This PC” Icon back on your desktop. Similarly, you can also add or make other icons appear on your screen, for example; User files, Control Panel, Recycle Bin, and many more.
We understand that “The PC” Icon is very essential and important for users because this helps you in a hurry for easy access to all your files.
Therefore, as a result with all these steps done correctly, you will get back the “This PC” icon back on the desktop of your PC in Windows 10.