Planning for moving abroad in English speaking countries for study or work purposes? Preparing for IELTS for such reasons? Looking for the ways to get your desired score in IELTS? If yes, then you are on right place, because here you will get to know about some tips that will definitely help you in achieving your target score in IELTS.
In IELTS There are four modules. Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking and you need to score well in each module. So, today we are going to explain you about each module and tips to score high in that module.
IELTS Listening Section:
There are 4 sections in the listening Test. Before each section you will hear some instructions and you will have time to read the questions. Then the section will start.
1. Do not mimic replies between sections:
After the test, you will be given 10 minutes to copy all your answers on the answer sheet so that the time between the sections is used to read the questions in the following section.
2. Do not focus on spelling or grammar while listening!
When you move the answer on the answer sheet, you can see them at the end of the test.
3. Read the instructions and questions very carefully:
Take the time to understand what you have to do, do not hurry!
4. Write the answer on test paper first:
When you are listening, write the answer on the first test paper without worrying about spelling and grammar. This will be a distraction and you will have another 10 minutes to copy and finish your reply at the end of the listening section.
5. Check spelling and grammar:
Be sure to check spelling and grammar before putting your handwriting in your answer sheet. Do not panic and save a few minutes for this very important task.
IELTS Reading Section:
Reading skills are required for both academic and general training trials (Predicting, obtaining specific information, identifying thoughts, etc.) are similar, but the type of test will be different.
On academic paper, you will be given three long academic lessons, which are similar to university studies on general training letters; candidates are given books of much more common nature like documents, newspapers and flyers.
6. See the instructions very carefully. Again:
For some tasks you need to use words from the text in the answer; In others you should use your words.
7. If you do not know the meaning of some words, then do not worry:
This is normal. If English is not your first language, you may be unfamiliar with some vocabulary, just go ahead and get an understanding of the sentence.
8. Read, Read and Read:
Before the test, be sure to read every day for an hour or more. The more you read broadly, your vocabulary will become and the test will be as easy as possible.
9. Use your time very carefully
You will have an hour for the reading test. Try and finish each section in 20 minutes and make sure that you have at least 3-4 minutes at the end of each section and to move and check your answers.
10. Don’t leave any blanks:
Even if you do not know the answer, still try every question. There is no penalty for wrong answers, so there is an estimate. Destiny can happen in your favor, if not, you have nothing to lose.
IELTS Writing Section:
Whether you are doing academic or general examinations, you have to complete two writing tasks and you will have 60 minutes to do this. For the writing work of IELTS Academic Test 1, you must write a summary of at least 150 words in response to a particular graph, table, chart or process.
For the writing work of IELTS General Examination 1, the candidates are asked to write a letter to solve any problem. In Task 2 of both tests you need to write at least 250 words in response to a topic.
11. Use the appropriate writing style:
Use a formal language for the essay and informal language for informal letters
12. Answer the question!
There is no right or wrong answer till you answer the question. Remember that your language skills are not evaluated with your ideas.
13. Be concise:
Always try to write short and correct sentences. Short, correct sentences are winners.
14. Practice:
Before the test, use official writing forms to practice and check to look like 250 words in your own handwriting.
15. Do not go away from the subject:
What is the test about? Make sure you write about it and stick to it for the whole test.
IELTS Speaking Section:
And finally, you will be sitting in front of the examiner and you have to talk about 20 minutes.
16. Communicate effectively:
Remember that you are being tested on your ability to communicate effectively, not your common sense.
17. Listen before opening your mouth:
It should be a normal life tip, but especially when speaking IELTS test, you should stay focused and ask the tester your questions before answering your answer.
18. Keep Talking:
The more you talk about, the more score you get. Obviously, if you have something to say, do not just speak unintelligibly.
19. Do not go away from the subject!
If you do, then the tester might find that you did not understand the question. So take a deep breath, and respond carefully.
20. Talk well:
Talk as fluent as possible and use all the words you have learned, try to keep them among your informed answers, show your vocabulary.
So these are some IELTS tips by the faculties of the Best IELTS Institute, for more tips and updated information keep checking our Posts regularly.