Some Tips For Recycling and Reuse Of Party Balloons

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Reuse Of Party Balloons

Balloons decoration is a must part of decoration nowadays. Whether it is a grand celebration or small event, balloons become a very cheap and money-saving idea for throwing parties in the budget. But what when the party is over? The big thing is how to recycle and re-use the party balloons. Well, here we are going to talk about this serious matter. How you can re-use the inflated balloons when the party is over. There are so many ideas for recycling or reusing balloons. And here are they.

If you want to buy the Balloons for the perfect celebration, you will definitely get the awesome balloon bouquets ideas from here.

Is recycling party balloons?

Balloons can be reused or recycled on the quality of the material. There are two types of balloons now available in the market to use at the party.

  • Latex balloons- Latex balloons are stretchy and have long durability of floating. It is made from the Hevea tree. It is called a biodegradable material because it is broken down itself after a couple of months.
  • Mylar Balloons- Mylar balloon is made from synthetic silver foil material. It is a polyester material that is made from a plastic sheet, covered with a metallic finish.

Dispose of party Balloon properly

Disposing party balloons is a daunting task. Though the latex balloon is a biodegradable material, it causes great harm to wildlife and water animals. If you throw it in the ocean, it doesn’t break easily due to the salted water. Balloons can cause great harm to birds due to their harmful chemical of rubber print personalized for special attention.

Don’t throw balloons in the ocean or outside the place, throw it directly in the trash. It is a very safe and protective way to protect animals from eating this kind of harmful material.

If you learn the news that someone near is going to arrange the party in the next day. Don’t pop up the balloons; just give those balloons for the party decor. In some way, you can save the time and cost of two parties. Latex balloons can stay floated up to 7 days, so this is a great idea to re-use the balloons in the other parties too.

Reuses of party balloons

  • Use it as a frame-Another great source of re-using silver foil balloons is right here. Once the silver foil balloons lost their floating image, you can re-use the shiny material in the frame.
  • Use the silver foil for gift wrapping- You can use the flattened silver sheet for wrapping the gifts. If you are planning to give a gift to someone near, you can use this shiny material and cut it down in the shape and wrap the gift with a silk ribbon.
  • Keep away birds- Reflective shine material can distract the birds from your garden or window side. If you want to keep the birds away from the garden tree you tie strips of silver foil.
  • Use in the craft- Collect the Mylar balloons flattened sheet and use it for making amazing drawstring tote bags and wallets.
  • Re-inflate Mylar balloons- Pop a pin and remove the air from the balloon and store it. You can re-inflate the balloon by sticking the tap on the pin whole. Wow! It’s an amazing idea to save the money of buying a balloon again.

So here are the most important Eco-friendly sources to re-use the inflated balloons. These ideas will definitely work to help you in saving our environment. And we are sure; you are definitely going to use this.

By sendflowersandmore

I am Celine Wilson here. I am manager at which is online gifts shop for all occasions over different countries.We also offer different types of flowers for different occasions like birthday, anniversary, thank you or many more. These online stores of flowers have become an easy way to order and send flowers.