Water, the elixir of life, a very important part of life without it you can’t imagine a day. Right?

Of course yes!

You must be thinking how can a person ask such a stupid question. Right?

And since childhood, we have been asked to drink water and be hydrated. Right?

You must be heard our elders saying in past anything excess always harms.

So, do you know overconsuming water also harms?

You must be thinking how. So, here I am to throw some light on this.  

What happens if you drink too much water?

Drinking too much water will cause water intoxication and other severe health problems.

  • Confusion, disorientation, nausea, and vomiting are signs of water intoxication.
  • Water intoxication can cause brain swelling and be fatal in rare circumstances.
  • If this pressure increases, it can cause conditions such as high blood pressure and bradycardia i.e. low heart rate.
  • Sodium is a critical element that helps maintain fluid balance inside and outside the cells. When its levels drop due to too much water in the body, fluids enter the cells. Then the cells swell, putting you at risk of seizures, coma, or even death.

What are A signs that you are drinking too much water?

  • Your muscles feel shaky or weak.
  • You’re constantly feeling fatigued and tired.
  • You experience confusion or disorientation.
  • You have a lingering headache and experience nausea.
  • Your feet, hands, or lips are swollen.
  • urine should ideally be a pale-yellow color, if the urine is clear that means you are overhydrated
  • On average, you should urinate six to eight times a day. For high-achievers who drink water or people who drink caffeine or alcohol regularly, doing up to 10 times is normal.

What can cause water intoxication?

 Water intoxication is rare. However, this situation can happen, many medical reports indicate that excessive drinking can cause death.

People who participate in sports activities or weight training, or suffer from various mental illnesses commonly suffer from water intoxication. 

Sporting events

If a person drinks a lot of water without properly accounting for electrolyte losses, this can happen.

Therefore, hyponatremia is very common in major sports events.

According to the authors of one survey, 13 percent of 488 runners in the 2002 Boston Marathon had hyponatremia symptoms, and 0.06 percent had critical hyponatremia, identified as sodium levels below 120 mmol/l. 

One incident involved a runner who fainted after running a marathon.

Military training

Not just soldiers, this happens in military training too.

According to one medical source, 17 soldiers experienced hyponatremia as a result of consuming too much water during training. The sodium levels in their blood ranged from 115 to 130 mmol/l, while the normal range is 135 to 145 mmol/l.

Three soldiers died of hyponatremia and cerebral edema, according to another study. These deaths were linked to consuming more than 5 liters of water in a short period.

Hyponatremia symptoms can be confused with dehydration symptoms. According to one study, a soldier died of water intoxication as a result of rehydration attempts after receiving an erroneous diagnosis of dehydration and heatstroke.

Mental fitness conditions

Psychogenic polydipsia, or compulsive water consumption, is a sign of a variety of psychiatric illnesses.

It is most common in people who have dementia, but it can also occur in people who have affective disorders, psychosis, or personality disorders.

So, the elixir of life can turn into poison too if dehydrated or overhydrated. 

One must have the right amount of water and if in case you feel something is wrong make sure you follow the above points or consult a doctor.

Take good care of yourself and your loved ones.

By kamlesh