Valentine's Day Gift

This year make Valentine’s day even more special by DIYing gifts. Show your loved ones how much you love them in a different, more thoughtful and creative way. 

Take time to put together something that will be personalized instead of something you ordered last minute. DIYed gifts are gifts that have a soul and that express all your love.

Let this year be the year of creativity and effort to make your loved ones happy with little things. So let’s get to the mean of the matter and see all the interesting DIY Valentine’s day gift ideas.

1. Make breakfast or dinner

breakfast or dinner

How to make someone feel loved and appreciated? Make them a nice breakfast in bed or organize and cook a romantic dinner. Nothing says “I love you” like making something with your own two hands. 

This doesn’t mean that you need to be the top chef in order to make breakfast, just make something basic like fried eggs, bacon, and pancakes and add a rose put them on a trey and surprise your loved one with breakfast in bed. 

The same goes for a romantic dinner, light some candles, put champagne or wine on ice and make pasta because nothing says romantic more than Italian cuisine (plus pasta is not that hard to make). 

And voila! You have a successful DIY romantic meal for Valentine’s day!

2. Valentine’s cards and letters

Valentine’s cards

Valentine’s day is the day when people exchange cards and love letters. Technically, you don’t need a special day to show someone how much you love them, but Valentine’s day is an ideal date to remind some people of their importance to us. 

To make it even more special, you can make a card yourself and show your loved one how much you care about them by taking the time to DIY a nice card or write a beautiful letter. There are many beautiful card ideas out there, you just need to take some time and do a bit of research and you can make your own personalized Valentine’s day card.

3. Order flowers 

Order flowers

That beautiful card you made will need a bouquet of flowers to go with, won’t it? Flowers for Valentine’s day are essential and indispensable! Every woman or girl will love to receive a bunch of nice flowers for this special day. And if you decide to pair those beautiful flowers with a DIY card you made – undoubtedly the most thoughtful gift for this Valentine’s day. 

The most appropriate flowers for Valentine’s day are red roses. A bouquet of red roses symbolizes love, passion, romance, and desire! So, don’t hesitate to order a bouquet of red roses this Valentine’s day.

4. Custom box of chocolates

Custom box of chocolates

After flowers and love cards, what comes next are chocolates. But this Valentine’s day to make this gift even more special. Make homemade chocolates and pack them in a nice DIY box! 

If you’re not all that skilled in the kitchen then purchase all the different chocolates your loved one likes and make a nice chocolate box.

You can make various different types of boxes from exploding ones to nice heart-shaped ones. Just visit Pinterest for ideas and you can go wrong with this kind of gift. Especially if the person you’re giving this has a sweet tooth!

5. Love art

Love art

If you are a more of an artsy type of person and you love to experiment with paint and canvas, then this is the ideal time to make something creative for people you love. 

All you need is a canvas and a bit of pain and you can make a nice painting that will impress the person you gift it to. This painting doesn’t have to be something over the top nor a masterpiece, just a nice symbol of love that you made with your own hands and that you put your heart into. It will also be a nice memory always displayed on the wall or a shelf. 

6. Mason jars full of love

When it comes to thoughtful gifts, mason jars can be used in various ways to make a perfect gift. You’ll need to get a mason jar (any size that works for you) and then you can decide what you want to do with it. 

You can make a nice gift by filling your jar with love notes. Write down how you feel about your loved one and then roll up the notes and put them inside the jar. Additionally, you can decorate the jar with a string that has the card with instructions written on it – saying to open one note every day. 

Similarly, you can fill the jar with sweets or chocolates. You can paint the jars and fill them with flowers. Generally, jars are great DIY gifts and you can make a lot with them, keep them in mind if nothing else works for you.

7. An oldie but a goodie – make a mixtape

make a mixtape

When words fail, music and songs speak. This is why a mix-tape is an awesome present no matter the decade or a year. 

Music is the universal language and there is no way that the person you love won’t appreciate this kind of gift. Make a compilation of tracks that express how you feel about him/her and write down the tracklist. To top it all off, make a nice card or note that will go with the tape.

8. Push-pin world travel map

Push-pin world travel map

DIY a push pin world travel map and pin the places you’ve visited together and also mark the places that you want to visit with them with hearts. This is a gift that carries meaning and plans for the future with it. It’s also a promise of beautiful things to come and nice wall art. 

It’s a sweet gift made with love that will be ideal for Valentine’s day!

Don’t let another year pass with generic Valentine’s day gifts. Start planning and DIYing now in order to surprise your loved ones with special, personalized gifts that will make them feel loved and appreciated.