Canker sores and mouth ulcers home remedies are the best ways to cure canker sores on the mouth naturally. The canker sore causes an uncomfortable feeling when you drink or eat foods. It feels painful when brushing teeth. The canker sore becomes a factor of causing an unpleasant smell on the mouth. It becomes a health disturbance decreasing self-confidence. To cure that canker sore, these are some things and ways to do. These are natural ways of getting effective to handle canker sore.
1. Using Coconut
Coconut is one of the fruits having health benefits for the body. This fruit is regarded to cure canker sores on the mouth. You can use coconut oil to handle canker sore by applying to the canker sore area. The dried coconut oil also becomes a brilliant alternative to cure canker sore. Try chewing dried coconut oil to reduce pain and inflammation on the mouth. In addition, coconut water is possible to hold the body when your canker sore feels so painful. It is recommended to find young coconut to use for canker sore treatment.
2. Applying Basil Leaves
One of the other natural canker sores treatments is applying basil leaves. The basil leaves are usually used for cooking seasonings. But, this type of leaves has health benefits for the body. The leaves are effectively curing canker sores. To cure his canker sore from inside, you can take basil leaves. Then, boil the leaves and filter the essence of the basil leaves. Drink the drink of the leaves to handle the canker sore on the mouth.
3. Using Salt Water
A canker sore is very painful and disturbs your activities regarding the mouth including chewing, drinking, and eating. The canker sore must be handled soon in order to reduce pain and inflammation on the mouth. When you feel the canker sore more serious, it is better to take salt and water to make a special formula for curing canker sore. The saltwater is able to be mouthwash. The saltwater can be washed to cure the canker sore. It is effective to kill bacteria causing the symptoms of a canker sore. Try applying this way regularly until the canker sore gets soon.
4. Using Ice Cube
Another way to reduce pain and inflammation due to canker sore is benefiting ice cube. The ice cube is effectively reducing the canker sore on the mouth. It becomes a daily treatment for canker sore. You can apply this way for some time in a day in order to decrease inflammation on the mouth. You can cover an ice cube with a cloth to avoid cold touch.
5. Using Garlic
The last way to cure canker sores is by using garlic. The garlic is a natural substance to use for cooking ingredients. But, it has an antiseptic benefit and has anti-virus content and also anti-bacteria. It means that it is able to protect the body from the attacks of bacteria and viruses. You can use garlic to get faster the curing process of a canker sore. The ways are taking garlic slices and apply them on the canker sore are for a minute. Let it for minutes and wash it with clean water. Those are all ways of applying canker sores treatments.