Can Continental Food Harm Your Body

Are you aware of the continental food side effects? Can continental food harm you? Can it go bad for you? Before knowing the harmful effects of continental food, let’s know what is continental food? It is prepared and eaten in European countries. Well, it can be prepared in any corner of the world but it is popular in European countries.

If you don’t want Chinese and Indian then you must go for continental. It is a kind of Mediterranean or french food. Continental generally refers to the delicacies that are consumed in European countries which includes the French, Italian Spanish parts of Europe.

They all have a continental dish that is more lively focused on olive oil, garlic, different herbs, and spices. The food is very tasty and yummy but are you aware of the thing that it can harm you. Since it is more focused on olive oil therefore it is more on cholesterol and fat increment. Various dishes are available and are common among everyone but essentially it harms the people who eat. So, we’ve listed some continental foods with their side effects in this article, let’s have a look:

1. Yorkshire Lamb Patties

The yummiest and mouth-melting dish Yorkshire lamb patties are made with horseradish sauce and 30ml vegetable oil. The vegetable oil is used in so much amount that you can see it. It can create fat in your body. Also, the onions are chopped and styled. Therefore, you can expect the number of fats and carbs that will run into your body. It is almost double. Therefore, it is not advised to eat this dish, if you are having a proper diet.

2. Cheese Chicken

Chicken provides us with protein but are you aware of its negative effects on the body. Chicken is actually made up of drilling, roasting, poaching, frying, and baking. Therefore the amount of oil and calories are almost very very high. The calories are almost 142 and the saturated fat is also there which can increase the cholesterol up to 73 milligrams.

So the amount of protein that you will get in it is 27 times but almost double of the Calories and saturated fat will be there in our body. That is not at all a healthy decision to use the chicken and eat it. If you are having an organic and proper diet, chicken is another name for fat and calories. Cholesterol can cross your body and affect you.

3. Baked Potato and Aubergines

A mouth-watering dish isn’t it? By its look and by its States but this dish is made up of potatoes. It is a tangy Twist of tomato and usually, people eat for brunch or lunch but that leads to tomato. Actually, this particular dish is a fried one. It can actually increase the number of carbs in your body.

As 500 grams of potatoes are used in this particular dish with virgin olive oil and if that’s not okay for you to understand, Mozzarella is also used which can hike a portion of the sugar level in your body. It can actually increase the level of sugar in your body and hence it is not at all advised for you to eat if you want to keep your body healthy.

4. Peppered Pasta Salad

Salad the name sounds very occasional and very healthy. Yes, it is, when it comes to salad only but it is not only the combination of salad. It also has the pepper pasta and back to the fried one with a lot of cheese and sausages used. Therefore, it can increase the cholesterol and the sugar level in you, and if that’s not fine. It will also increase the fat in the body.

You are thinking of gaining proteins and vitamins from the salad. The more you will gain calories, carbs, and fats in your body that will again negative points for your body. Eating salad raw is ok but peppered pasta is not at all advisable to eat with masala and different ingredients are used over here. They are so much on the peak that you will find a lot of problems in your digestive system.

5. Roesti and Salad

Continental food again with salad sounds very great but this is not at all advisable. Actually, Roesti is a traditional sweet dish that is served for breakfast. It consists of different potatoes formed into cakes and then it is lightly fried. Therefore in the form of potato, you will gain carbs and fat. In the form of cakes, you will get sugar. So salad alone cannot save you from carbs and calories.

6.) Apple Sausage Plait

A seasonal apple sausage plait which is used by the sausage plates is another bad meal for you because it not only contains the pastry sheet but it also has a red onion marmalade which has calories. Around 295 calories. This is a good-to-go dish when it comes to a big festival but usually, if you are taking it in a regular meal then the calories you are getting is just triple the amount of protein you will get from the dish. This dish is not advisable for people who are following a balanced diet and want to stay healthy and great in their day-to-day life.

7. Paneer Steak

A portion of amazing continental food that has proteins no doubt in the form of paneer but it can actually have a very bad effect. If you are having a sensitive digestive system, it can cause bloating, gas diarrhea, stomach pain as well. The protein is yes good but if you are allergic to this paneer then you may not eat this dish because it has spicy paneer which can actually kill a lot of things in your body and can be harmful to you.

8.) Batter Fried Fish with Cheese Sauce

In this Continental dish, a fish is properly fried and then served with the cheese sauce but this is not only the thing. Fish is full of proteins, but with the cheese sauce comes a lot of sugar and calorie intake which can increase your weight. It can also increase the amount of sugar in your arteries and can make your body obese. It could be bad for your body and can have various different diseases.

9.) BLT Eggy Bread

BLT Eggy Bread

BLT Eggy bread is a kind of sandwich that is done with the eggs and usually preferred in the breakfast but it also contains eggs with Yolk as well and that too with olive oil that could be the best combination for the fat in our body and if that’s not enough it also contains the main sugar source that can also increase the sugar level in your body. It can increase the calorie instead of burning the calorie. It will give you more obesity and fat in your body. This obesity will therefore be the reason for the problems in our body.

10. Batter Fish

Batter fish is a healthy meal but since it’s fried so much in oil and then served with a lot of sausages. It makes it richer and richer in terms of oil and Carbs.

11. Rosemary Chicken

Rosemary chicken is a kind of chicken with a lot of proteins but it also has really side effects on your body. If you are not habitual it can cause vomiting and also it is not at all advisable for women to go for this dish if they are pregnant. This dish has a lot of spices and they are so deeply fried in olive oil that it makes the amount of oil in this almost double. Therefore, it can cause a bad effect on the digestive system.

12. Baked Spinach with Mushroom and Cheese Sauce

Baked Spinach with Mushroom and Cheese Sauce

Mushrooms are no doubt very healthy and have a lot of Vitamins but it generally contains cheese sauce which is bad for any person who is having a lot of blood pressure problems in the body. Because the cheese sauce is actually the one that increases the sugar level and increment in the spike of arteries and veins. This is the only reason it is not at all advisable to eat this dish.

13. Grilled Chicken in Mustard Sauce

Grilled chicken is one of the most important dishes in terms of continental food but this chicken in the mustard sauce makes it even more healthy. The only reason is that the amount of oil that is used is so much in amount. The chicken is grilled properly therefore the amount of fat is almost double. Therefore the amount of it can spike the increase the blood sugar level in your body.

14. Coronation Chicken

 Coronation chicken has great productivity when it comes to hands but it also has a chicken roast beef and Ponds coronation as that which is cut into Triangles. Therefore it is made properly but the chicken is not good. It can cause a bad effect on the body. It has sodium chloride in excess.

15. Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s Pie generally has the potato crust with bread crumbs and it also has the pie which is more into sweet potatoes and lanterns. Therefore the amount of sugar we can expect is almost double. As it does not provide any protein but increase the cholesterol level in the body which can cause a heart attack. This is officially a dish which is made from sugar and the amount of sugar is high. Therefore without any doubt, it is very unhealthy to eat.

16. Thousand Island Sauce dish

Thousand Island sauce is basically a dressing which is made by a term sauce. Since it has no nutritional value in racing. It is filled with saturated fats, sodium, Sugars which actually lead to cholesterol and heart diseases leaving the salad behind. It has a healthy version that can be made at home with the substituting ingredients but if the ingredients used in the thousand salad are actually very bad to eat and this continental food can be as bad as it can cause small intestinal problems.

17. Continental Apple Cake

The name suggests it is sweet as honey. It has white sugar eggs and if that’s not enough. It has the wonder extract as well with all these things, it is properly made with baking soda together and this cake is delicious but comes with a lot of fats that could be harmful to your body and if you are looking for a diet then you probably avoid this dish.

18. Khao Soi

Khao Soi is actually currying noodles that are creamy and yellow curry noodles. Since the noodles are dipped in curry but it is as healthy as the normal noodles. Atta noodles can increase the fat in your body and therefore more cholesterol and can lead to various diseases that can be harmful to the whole body. So you can decide whether you want to go for this or not.

19. Baked Mushrooms and Spinach

Baked Mushrooms and Spinach

Spinach and mushrooms are no doubt healthy dishes but mushrooms are in heavy amounts. They are also history as drugs that could be poisonous. These mushrooms can give stomach cramps or diarrhea as well. It is bad for people who have skin allergies and usually stomach upset problems. It can also be harmful to the skin as it is tasty but comes with a lot of health issues and it is not advised to eat.

20. Corn Spaghetti

Corn Spaghetti is a continental dish but comes with a lot of problems that include the digestion of the proteins. It also has rice flour that is so high in fats and carbs that has a glycemic index and could be bad for your body. Therefore the people who are heart patients and usually do not have a good body are not advised to eat this dish.

21. Stuffed tindas

Stuffed tindas

Stuffed tindas come with a lot of proteins but with that masala in there. It also comes with 100 calories and carbohydrates. Therefore the fat is also in a Greater amount that is 7.8 gram in one serving of one masala Tinda which is even double the proteins that you get that is 2.2 gram per mole. You are driven for the protein, the more you will get the Calories and carbohydrates because the oil is used. Although the masala tinda with stuffing that is done can also be the reason.

22. Chicken Sizzlers

Chicken sizzler is a healthy dish when it comes to boneless chicken thighs but it also comes with the Tandoori marinade and Red Pepper plus cream pepper with the same onion and spinach. Also, some things are also added that make it unhealthy in terms of calories and fats as well. If you are available to eat the dish and you want to eat it. You can probably skip these things but still, it is healthy.

23. Herb Stuffed Chicken

Herb Stuffed Chicken

The same herb stuffed chicken is actually with dried Oregano and Paprika used with the seeds of fennel and white pepper. They are all made with different ingredients that make them unhealthy for the stomach.

If you are having a problem with your stomach regularly then you ought not to eat this because the dish can actually cause diarrhea and stomach spiciness. It can also offer to vomit. You can feel a very bad thing in summer. Maybe there is a reason that you can also suffer from food poisoning as Mozzarella cheese is also added. It could be bad for your body.

24. Bacon Wrapped Dates

 Bacon-Wrapped Dates dish of continental food dish that everyone wants to eat. But are you aware that the bacon comes with 4 ounces of cream cheese? Therefore the more it provides the vitamins, the more it has the cheese calories that increase in the body and can cause body dysfunction. Deaf people who are suffering from some diseases can just ignore this dish because it also has blue cheese which is the most unhealthy.

25. Fish Mayonnaise

Fish, fish is the healthy part to eat but if we talk about which Mayonnaise comes with a lot of sugar, and with that to it comes with a problem of sugar. As people who make this dish add cheese and grilled fish. And when they are mixed well butter is also added to make it a bad choice for a healthy person.

26. Date and Walnut Pie

This is a small dish that is full of sweetened condensed milk and also the walnut feeling that could be a problem because it comes with the caster sugar and the brown sugar as well. A lot of sugar can increase a lot of calories in your body. If you are a gym person and want to be on a balanced diet you should not eat at all this dish because this dish can give your body a very bad physique.

27. Grilled Citrus Fish

Fish, no doubt is the only source of protein but the citrus fish comes with dry spices and seasonings with orange juice and oil. The fish fields are made with citrus marinade and these are actually cooked for 30 minutes making them unhealthy.

28. Cheese and Ham Roll

Cheese and Ham roll is good for the people who are actually liking to consume all the calories in their body because of the cheese that is used. It is so tasty which comes with the sausages bread roll and whatnot. You can easily get tons of spices in just one Ham role therefore if you love to go towards obesity, you can eat this dish otherwise it is not recommended to eat at all on a regular basis.

29. Pot Roasted Chicken

Pot-Roasted Chicken is good but the roasting comes with a lot of disadvantages. It is a slow cooking method of slow-roasted Chicken can be enough reason for harmfulness for health. If you are hosting the chicken that completely means that you are giving your body a perfect place to get full of calories. The Roasting of meat is just not recommended.

30. Chicken Steak

It has a high cholesterol content. It can develop coronary heart disease cancer causes and myocardial infarction. If you want to lose weight or gain weight then you should not eat this is because if you are eating, it can increase the fat. Also, the amount of sodium intake is high. It can develop cardiovascular and food poisoning as well. If you have an upset stomach, it can also cause constipation.