You may have heard celebrities talk about red-light therapy or seen advertisements for devices that produce red light. The controversial treatment practice of red-light therapy is used to treat skin problems and other medical conditions. By exposing skin to low-intensity red and near-infrared light, healing is facilitated. The process is painless, non-invasive, and uses no heat at all. 

Red Light Therapy

Red light boosts mitochondrial strength by generating a metabolic change in cells. As the mitochondria become more robust, more energy-carrying adenosine triphosphate is produced. Thus, giving cells more energy to work better, renew themselves, and fix the damage.  

Researchers are still looking into the treatment, studies are being published, and additional info is being discussed on the internet. Even so, the following benefits of red light therapy can’t be ignored: 

1. Lessened Pain And Inflammation 

Red light therapy (RLT) is a safe and efficient method of relieving pain and inflammation. It’s capable of penetrating the muscles and bones deep within the skin. Because red light treatment stimulates circulation in the skin and other body parts, it can also provide oxygen and nutrients to wounded tissues to aid healing. In turn, this reduces pain, inflammation, and oxidative stress. 

RLT is effective in treating a wide range of inflammatory diseases, including the following: 

  • Osteoarthritis – Those were suffering from knee osteoarthritis can benefit from red light therapy. The effects lasted up to 12 weeks after treatment ended. 
  • Tendinitis – Sports performance and muscle recovery may be improved by using red light treatment before and after exercise. This may be because of the treatment’s ability to counteract the oxidative damage induced by exercise. 
  • Psoriasis – Among those who suffer from mild to moderate psoriasis, RLT is a standard treatment option. However, different light sources are needed for each variety of these conditions, which might cause skin burns or other unpleasant effects. 
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – RLT can considerably alleviate pain in the hands caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. On top of that, it can boost the median nerve’s electrical activity.

2. Improved Cardiovascular Health 

Cardiovascular health can also be improved by red light therapy. Red light stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a key signaling molecule critical for blood vessels’ health. These molecules help to loosen up blood vessels so that they don’t clot within them. This is because nitric oxide enhances blood flow to damaged tissues. In addition, it protects against oxidative stress and regulates blood pressure by battling free radicals.  

Red Light Therapy

3. Cleared Up Acne 

Furthermore, the ability of light to penetrate deep into the skin has made RLT popular for treating acne. When you expose your sebaceous glands to red light, it targets the sebaceous glands–which are responsible for releasing and transporting sebum, the oil that clogs pores and contributes to the formation of acne. As a result, acne may look better thanks to the light’s ability to lessen inflammation in the sebaceous glands. 

4. Reduced Signes Of Aging 

Protein in your skin, such as collagen, helps keep it firm and plump. Though the body naturally produces collagen, several factors such as sunlight, smoking, pollution, and aging all diminish its production, resulting in sagging and wrinkled skin. However, in one study, participants who received 30 minutes of red-light treatment twice a week saw an increase in collagen density and a decrease in wrinkles and roughness. 

5. Promote Hair Growth 

One of the most common underlying genetic causes of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia. There is a distinct pattern to hair loss, which begins above the temples on both sides. Gradually, the hairline starts to recede, eventually taking on a distinctive ‘M’ shape. However, red light therapy has significantly increased hair counts in men with androgenic alopecia. 

6. Enhanced Bone Recovery 

According to a study, treatment of facial bone deformities may be possible using RLT. Using it to treat facial bone abnormalities may speed up the healing process. Researchers found that therapy also helped reduce swelling and discomfort during the procedure. 

Other Conditions 

In addition to the benefits listed above, red light treatment can be used to treat the following conditions as well: 

  • Herpes Cold Sores – Cold sores, typically caused by the herpes simplex virus, can be effectively prevented and treated with red light therapy. 
  • Alzheimer’s Disease – Having high amounts of formaldehyde in the brain has been related to memory loss and oxidative stress. However, red light therapy helps break down formaldehyde and improve cognitive performance in people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s. 
  • Anxiety – According to a study conducted in 2019, participants with a generalized anxiety disorder had lower stress levels after receiving red light treatment. Additionally, the subjects were able to sleep better after treatment. 
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder – A kind of depression brought on by seasonal changes, the seasonal affective disorder can be treated with red-light therapy


Since there are no rules about how long or hard red-light therapy should be used, there’s little chance it could cause harm. Additionally, no one knows if this treatment is safe in the long run.  

However, if the person using the device is inexperienced or receives too much treatment, they could be in danger of harming themselves. RLT devices have caused blisters and burns in some users. Burns occurred while people slept with the device in place, while others were injured when the wires broke or the device rusted.  

Furthermore, there’s a chance you could harm your eyes. Even though red-light therapy is less damaging to the eyes than other types of lasers, it’s recommended that patients wear eye protection during their treatment. 

Lastly, you should talk to your doctor before using this treatment if you are pregnant, have diabetes, or have sensitive skin. 

Final Thoughts 

You’ve probably seen advertisements for red light therapy equipment or heard celebrities mention it. Red light therapy is a controversial treatment procedure that is used to treat a variety of medical ailments. Healing is aided by exposing skin to low-intensity red and near-infrared light. The procedure is painless, non-invasive, and does not involve any heat. 

In essence, red light can boost mitochondrial strength by modifying cell metabolism. By strengthening the mitochondria, cells have more adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to perform better, regenerate, and repair themselves.  

Despite current research, published studies, and Internet chatter, these are the benefits and risks of RLT.