10 Worst Anime That You Should Avoid Watching


Anime is generated in Japan and it refers to hand drawn or generated through computer animation. But outside Japan, Anime specifically refers to the animation that is produced in Japan. The term ‘Anime’ is derived from the word ‘Animation’. Anime covers a huge range of genres such as action, romance, fantasy, adventures, science fiction, comedy, and much more.

Anime encompasses television series, movies (anime movies) as well as OVA (which means Original Video Animation). The visuals of Anime are quite vibrant and colorful. It has a unique character, exaggerated facial expressions, beautiful and clear gestures, and detailed design of characters. All the Anime captures different and complex storytelling. It emphasizes and provokes human emotions, intellectuals, thoughts, etc. It caters to diverse audiences and different age groups as well.

Anime is there for our entertainment but some of the anime should totally be skipped because they are not worth giving time. Because not all the works of a creator succeed in getting popularity. In this article, we would be showing you or have enlisted the top 10 worst anime that you should totally skip. Just to be clear, the anime isn’t judged solely on personal choice or personal preferences. The list is created based on the ranking on the internet and many websites. So these are the foundation while creating the list. 

There can be many reasons for any anime to fail; let’s say: bad animation, inferior quality, the language can be terrible, character development might lack, the plot can be typical, pointless, and uninteresting, scenes can be absurd and violent, etc. So here are some disturbing anime that you should be avoiding:-

  1. Bolis no Pico
  2. Diabolik lovers
  3. Fiken
  4. Ex – ARM (2021)
  5. Island of the giant insects (2019)
  6. My sister My writer
  7. Nutshack
  8. Pupa (2011)
  9. Tenkuv Danzai skelter + Heaven
  10. Wonder Momo(2014)

1. Bokis no Pico

Bokis no Pico is an original video animation which is produced by Natural High. It is marketed to an audience that is typically male. It is a series that consists of three episodes. In this anime, Moonoke, a character, who is a little child, named ‘Momo Bokis no PicoPico’, meets a white-collar worker Tamotsu, who was working at Cafe Bebe. The coffee business was owned by his grandfather Bokis No Pico and Tamotsu, started having love as well as sexual relationships. This excited Tamotsu, as Tamotsu was on vacation, so they crossed the pass. It feels that life is boring and finally, Tamotsu experiences something that is fun.

So the worst part about this anime is related to child pornography. It encourages it and therefore it is disturbing. It is even called the first ‘Shotacon animation’ by this series’ creator. There are many unacceptable and unethical things done by Tamotsu. For instance, Tamotsu licks as well as sniffs Pico’s neck. There is desperation as well as many other things that can disturb us. So I believe we should definitely skip watching this.

2. Diabolik lovers

The author Rejet, a Japanese author has an anime series named ‘Diabolik Lovers’. There’s a character named Yui Komari, she is the bride of six vampires, who are half brothers. They are all half-brothers who sacrifice their wife Yui Komari. Her blood is consumed by all the vampires, and with that, she has also been abused by all the vampires. 

The terrible and disturbing fact about the anime is that the female character has been exploited by five male vampires. She has been used as a blood bank as well as used as a toy and a plaything. Yui has been exploited throughout the anime. She has been treated badly. All the vampires are cruel toward her.

All the brothers decided to tame or discipline her because they found her obsession annoying and wanted to make her feel less. She receives no care or any love but she continues to stay and gets brutal treatment. She is abused both physically and mentally. So, all the observers find it less delightful and unenjoyable. There is also ‘Stockholm Syndrome’, she falls for the captor 

And so as to show a woman at this grade is unpleasant to see. Therefore even though the visuals and voice-over are amazing it still shows a female who is weak, meek, innocent, and unable to support herself kind of killing all the fun and entertainment.

3. Eiken

Eiken is a manga series. It is illustrated as well as written by Seiji Matsuyama. It revolves around the life of Densuke Mifune, a schoolboy. He has been forced into a club named Eiken, which is mysterious. He is a new student at Zashono Academy. Densuke is a very active student and a very enthusiastic one. He participates in many activities and is an extracurricular student. Moreover, he is very good at studies as well. The club is full of ladies with curvy bodies. There are many absurd scenes, ladies are in bikinis, all of which are included in the activities of the club.

The anime is only populated by busty characters and nudity. It has no story and the plot is tedious as well as illogical. The whole story makes no sense. The show is inappropriate and so is the behavior of the characters. The question of mental disturbance arises when we talk about children. For young children to watch such anime that has no logic or anything is wrong. Therefore one should avoid watching this anime I believe.

4. Ex-Arm (2021)

Ex-Arm is a Japanese manga series. It is science fiction. The series is written by HiRock while its illustration is done by Shinya Komi. It is a remake of Ex-Uita. It revolves around a high school student, Akira Natsume. He has a phobia, which is related to the electrical devices. Although, he is very good at diagnosing them. He considers his life boring and unfulfilling.

Therefore he resolves to get changed and change his life as well. He dies and to find out all that the cops use AI which is highly sophisticated and names “FX-ARM”. It has been discovered later that the AI is none other than Akira’s digital brain. He has awakened in a body that is mechanical. He meets then Minami Uezeno and Almo, who is his Android companion.

Now the flaw of the anime is its animation. It is pretty bad and not just below average, it is worse than that. The makers have tried to make it 3D but they have failed miserably. It has awful combat sequences. Along with that, it has clumsy fight scenes, and everything about the animation is bad. All the scenes in this anime are clumsy and contradictory.

Having said that, the story or the plot too is also not great and hence proves to be an epic fail. All the characters are flat and do not imprint anyone. It leaves no mark on the audience and hence could not gain that noteworthy success as well their confidence. The expressions are zero or very minimal. They are repetitive and very vague. Therefore viewers do not like to watch such anime which lack the basic requirements.

5. Island Of The Giant Insects

Island of the giant insects is a manga series. It is written by Yasutaka Fujimi and illustrated by REDICE. It is filmed around a group of school-going students who are in high school. They went on the trip but somehow their plane crashed and they are left alone on an uncharted Island. They soon get to know that there are many ‘monstrously mutated insects’. And to this very fact, they are huge in size. There are also some manipulators and greedy enemy survivors as well on the island. In order to survive, they do not even hesitate to betray their classmates. They have to avoid becoming food for those insects.

Another tempting story but failed sadly because the CGI which was to make the insects is not very likely a suitable method for the same purpose. So it is not usually good but a good try though. However, all the CGI defects make it less interesting. 

6. My Sister My Writer

My sister, my writer, is a light novel series. Seyi Ebisis wrote it and Gintaro illustrated it. It has the original title “The one love is my little sister but she is not a little sister”. The story directs and features a beautiful third-year student named Suzuka Nagami. She excels in academics and is a brilliant girl. She likes to write and one fine day one of her novels got an award. 

The story of that novel itself was based on a sister who dotes on her brother. Suzuka wants to give all the credit to her brother Yú Nagami. Hence, she proceeds to write under a different name which is ‘Chikai Towano’. She is also the president of the student council and has a very strict father. But later on, we get to know that she has feelings for her brother and that they are incestuous.

The message that comes out from this anime is pretty absurd as what a generalized view says that it is not something that a teenager should be knowing or feel. The incest problem as well many other problems such as inappropriate scenes and all. Along With this, a major focus also goes on the characters who seem flat and uninteresting. All the characters of this anime lack appeal and therefore there is nothing to learn from this series in particular. It is very disturbing as well as not having the ability to be among my favorites.

7. Nutshack

This rated 2.2 out of 10. I mean I don’t have to explain much but anyway. It is an adult Filipino animation comedy. It is an American anime. The story directs toward the adventures of two characters named Phil and Jack. An adventurous-themed movie; nevertheless it had worse acting and similarly designed characters. Not very surprisingly, the animation is also horrific and terrible. 

The story begins as Phil and Jack are two cousins. They live together and co-exist because of the demand of their background but still, they somehow try to manage themselves. The biggest flaw is not just the animation but the plot and storytelling. It was to be both comedic and amusing but it reflects none of them. There is not much going on with the characters as well as their voice-over and overall acting are extremely doubtful or worst.

8. Pupa (2011) 

Pupa is a Japanese manga series. It is of the horror genre. Sayaka Mogi wrote and illustrated it. The story revolves around two teenagers named Utsutsu and his younger sister Yume. They have a very abusive father. He beats their mother and his children as well. Finally, they divorced, and the mother decided to date another man but the children left alone. Utsutsu decides and resolutes to protect his sister. They were caught by a virus known as Pupa. Affected by this virus, the organism turns into an ‘insatiable monster’ and only feeds some sort of life. 

However, meanwhile, the brother Utsutsu gains some regenerative powers instead of turning into a monster. To save Yume from that Utsutsu has to take a drug and make Yume eat his flesh. Yume turns into a man-eating creature, so as to fulfill the appetite of his sister Utsutsu offers his own flesh.

The anime contains brief episodes and therefore lacks popularity as well as glory. It feels like the plot is running very abruptly. The brief episodes create huge confusion and prevent the entire story or the scenes from properly expressing or conveying in the expected, appropriate and justified way. This does not give justice to the horror genre. It highly loosely connects anime that the audience has definitely observed and couldn’t be on the praising side of the film. 

9. Tenkuu Danzai Skelter + Heaven 

Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven rated 1.80 out of 10. I mean what can I say? It is a Japanese anime series as well as a video game. Goga developed it. The Anime adaptation aired on the 8th of July. The story revolves around a futuristic world. The human world in the show is a threat from aliens. To save Tokyo, the Meera agency must Rebel against the extraterrestrial and capture the city.

Nothing is interesting about this anime that can excite us in any way. Neither characters nor the acting or the voice-over and not even the plot is able to even calling mediocre, it is worse than that. The narrative is pretty bad and therefore it is not worth watching. It can definitely spoil your mood and time. 

10. Wonder Momo (2014) 

Momoko, the protagonist, is an aspiring idol. She wants to defend the country Tokyo. She wants to get rid of an alien invasion. Momoko acts like a thorn and therefore the king of the aliens, who are the invaders, decides to target Momoko as well as other humans. She gets irritated by getting bullied this much and decides to do something. 

The storytelling and narrative have not been able to give justice to the plot. It has failed to connect the incident. The episodes are very small and short and therefore it feels like a rush. The characters are not worth looking at or watching because they lack uniqueness and personality.

To conclude

All the above-mentioned anime is not at all based on just my personal reviews. We have searched a lot about them and based on the overall ratings we have enlisted them. Anime has gained a lot of popularity around the world. It has influenced a lot of us. Therefore it is important for us to watch good anime because we somehow or the other influence by them. So we should be very specific about what we should watch and what we should avoid. We definitely should stay away from such anime that might be bad or affect our mental health in any way. 

Do let us know which anime you like the most and which genre you like the most.