There’s no debate on how websites have changed over the years. In today’s ever-changing world, we’re seeing an increased demand for eCommerce website design that seamlessly blends with emerging technologies and trends.

eCommerce Website Design

1. Striking Colors and Attractive Typography

The trend of striking colours and attractive typography is rising, and it’s no wonder why! These two elements work together to create an outstanding online presence.

Striking colours can help to energise your website, while attractive typography can help to increase engagement and conversion rates.

When choosing colours, use complementary colours to create a cohesive look. For example, red and green work best together, as do blue and yellow.

Be sure to use bold colours and contrast between font sizes for a more pronounced effect. Avoid using too many shades of the same colour, as this can look too boring.

 Otherwise, use different colours to create visual interest. First impressions, as with all things in design, are essential. You want your visitors to see a fresh and engaging experience on their first visit, so make sure your page’s colours look upbeat without being too conceptual. 

2. Taking a Mobile-First Approach

When you think about eCommerce website design, it is essential to take a mobile-first approach. It means designing the website focusing on how users will interact with it on their mobile devices.

Many users now shop online from their smartphones and tablets. Therefore, your website must be easy to use and navigate from any device. You should also ensure that your website looks good and works well on all mobile devices.

You can use various technologies to create a mobile-friendly website. The most common technologies include responsive design, CSS3 animations, and native applications.

Responsive design makes your website adapt to various device sizes. It is helpful for smartphones and smaller tablets. 

CSS3 animations allow you to create smooth animation effects on your website. Native applications provide a more immersive experience for smartphone users.

There are many different methods to make your eCommerce website mobile-friendly. Use the tips in this blog section to help design a great online shopping experience for all users!

3. Creating an Interactive Shopping Experience

Shopping online is one of the most favourite activities in today’s society. Many people prefer to shop online because it is convenient and there is a wide variety of options to choose from.

However, not all shoppers have the same shopping experience. Some shoppers feel overwhelmed by the number of options. But don’t know how to find what they are looking for.

Creating an interactive shopping experience can help to improve the shopping experience for all shoppers. More people will be inclined to buy products online by making the shopping process more manageable.

You can create an interactive shopping experience in a few different ways. One way you can do this is by creating an interactive layout. The layout lets users choose how they want to interact with the website.

Another way that you can create an interactive shopping experience is through visual storytelling. This means you use images, videos, and other content to tell a story about the product or the brand.

Creating an interactive shopping experience can increase your sales and favouritism among your customer base.

4. Original Photographs with Graphic Touches

Today, top eCommerce website design trends include using original photographs with graphic touches. It creates a more emotional attachment with the potential purchaser, drawing them in and encouraging them to make a purchase.

Other key trends include using clever animations and cross-platform compatibility. Observing your website on both desktop and mobile devices can increase customers’ chances of purchasing.

Furthermore, the use of typography and colour is also becoming increasingly important. By using arresting fonts and bright colours, you can draw attention to essential elements on your page. This can assist in increasing conversion rates and generating more sales.

5.AI and Chatbots for personalisation

As eCommerce websites become more personal, there’s a rise in AI and chatbots for customisation. These technologies allow merchants to personalise their website experience by offering recommendations, interactions, and other personalised content.

Chatbots are especially well-suited for eCommerce because they can automate customer service interactions. They can also help merchants meet customer wants and needs by understanding customer preferences and tracking changes over time.

AI is also becoming increasingly important in developing an eCommerce website. It can help improve a website’s usability by providing information about products and services, recommending related products or services, and providing personalised recommendations.

Personalising your website using AI and chatbots is a great way to improve your customer experience and drive more sales.

Bonus Tip

Dedicated Landing Pages for Products

Dedicated landing pages for products are becoming increasingly popular on eCommerce websites. Design pages to help people find the product they are looking for, and they can often have different layouts and designs than the rest of the website.

Creating a dedicated landing page for each product on your website is essential. This page should have a unique layout, design, and branding.

Your landing page should also have specific content to target your customers. You should include the product, the price, and shipping details.

You can also use features on your landing pages to drive traffic to other parts of your website. For example, you could use lead capture forms or email capture forms to gather information from your customers.

Dedicated landing pages are an essential part of eCommerce websites, and they can help you to grow sales and build better relationships with your customers.


With so many technological changes, it is essential to keep up with the trends that will be most effective for your business. These tactics will help you increase sales by giving customers a more enjoyable shopping experience. Have you tried any of these methods? Let us know in the comment how they worked for you!