Party, this word excites us right? Well me too. Who does not love parties? And when we talk about parties what image comes into your mind? I guess the word reminds you of your friends, right? But what if you are not in the mood to go out and have music and dance and all? What about a movie night? What about the friends who live far from you?
The virtual world is ruling nowadays therefore in this world where we all are busy with our work and life it might not be possible for us to go and meet our friends but why should we miss all the fun? Therefore we have got you a solution for that. Let’s get you introduced to an extension named TELEPARTY. In this article, we would be telling you how to use the teleparty extension and enjoy streams with your friends.
What Is Teleparty?
Firstly let’s know what Teleparty is. Teleparty is a browser extension. We use that for watching movies, tv with friends. We use that to spend time with friends or people who are not living with us. It adds group chat and video playback to your favorite streaming sites. This was formerly a Netflix party and now it is a Chrome extension. It is one of the best browser extensions.
It creates a link that plays in sync with all who have the link. Along with a chat box, you can watch movies, web series, tv shows, etc with your friends. It works with many of the ott platforms such as Hulu, Netflix, Disney, HBO, etc.

Steps To Use Teleparty Extension?
In this article, we will be showing you some very simple steps to create a teleparty link that can be shared with your friends.
The steps are as follows.
- First, you have to visit the Teleparty Chrome Extension.
- After that, you have to click on the Add To Chrome.
- In order to add the extension, it will be to the extension menu, which is available in the top right corner.
- This allows you to add any platform.
- After the completion of the third step, you can open any OTT platform such as Netflix, Disney, Hulu, etc whichever you want to watch with friends.
- Now play any video that you want to watch. Play like you usually do.
- Later on, hit the pause button.
- You will be seeing an icon named TP on the extension menu.
- There you will see a button “START THE PARTY” (you can give the control of media to others as well as you can have full control by yourself by ticking on “ONLY I HAVE CONTROL).
- After that click on the start button. You will see the shareable link that will be given to you.
- Your group streaming can shortly begin after that. You are allowed to enable the chat option if you want to have a chat with your friends during the movie or you can also choose to disable the chat option. It is all up to you.
- You can now send the generated link to your friends or to people you want to meet.
- The only thing that you should be keeping in mind is that your friends with whom you have shared the link should have installed The Teleparty Chrome Extension.
- Once your friends click and open the link, they will be automatically redirected to the selected show.
- They will be seeing a red TP option, on which they just need to click. All who open the link will be connected to the chat box and enjoy the virtual movie day, night, party, etc.
Have fun with your friends then.
Things To Keep In Mind-
Teleparty extension doesn’t just allow that. It offers a variety of other options. Such as you are allowed to even customize your look and you can also add nicknames for you as well as your friends. You can even control the media as well as change the show, but this option is only available if the host of the show has enabled the control. There is a limit to joining a show or a stream.
Many people can join the program and the other important thing is that the users should have their own account for the purpose of streaming. This works in sync, which means all the shows that you are playing are in sync with the other people in the show. So in any case you face any problem in streaming the content the other members too will be experiencing the same problem. For example, if your data is slow and because of that the streaming quality will suffer and that will be visible to all the members of the group. Teleparty also allows users to share the reactions like live reactions, for example through GIFs and screenshotting.
Currently, the teleparty extension works only on laptops and desktops. But you can connect your TV to your laptop if you have HDMI. Which is pretty cool. After doing all that now you have the chance to win as well as watch etc. teleparty supports you a lot.
To conclude, with the above-mentioned steps you can easily make your friends, and group and enjoy your movie party with Teleparty. These fifteen steps are very quick and very easy. Even if you don’t know anything about technology still you can follow the steps. It is very convenient I must say.
It works as a wonder for those who miss their friends but because of this hectic lifestyle, they can not meet. This gives them time. Because all the artwork connects us; it can be music, dance, nature, etc. Much more can be done by this app. The premise of this app is really simple. The virtual world can also turn into friends. It is a modern-day solution. So do let us know if we have helped you in any way. And also tell us when you are organizing a movie party with your friends. Have fun! Y’all.