Gentleman’s grooming is the trending word these days. It would be very unfair with our hair if we kept grooming our face only and completely neglect it. Hair also requires optimum attention and care for its overall grooming. As they say, it is easier said than done. But, you can make it a bit easier with our simple yet effective tips. Also, with a groomed hairstyle we can style various t-shirts and look super trendy.
So, follow and read this article for some important and easy tips for the grooming of your hair.
Personal Care Tips
1. Take Care Of Your Scalp
Every individual is unique so are you and your health. Know your scalp first. Know your scalp type and then choose hair products carefully which are suitable for your hair. Take care of your scalp, don’t compromise your scalp health to appear stylish and cool temporarily.
2. Wash your hair regularly
Oftentimes, simple habits make remarkable differences, so wash your hair regularly. If not washed regularly it may cause inflammation, which will affect the health of your scalp. Hairs are always exposed. It is so obvious that you cannot avoid dust particles, but if you wash hair regularly, no need to worry.
3. Drying process
If you are among them who come out of the washroom and rub it hard with a towel to dry it. Please, don’t do it. Let your hair dry naturally if you are not running out of time. Don’t use a hairdryer very often. Use it only when in a hurry. Make heat setting low on your drier.
4. Choose wisely
Plenty of hair-care products are available in markets. Don’t choose products based on price. Choose them according to your hair type and do check out ingredients before buying any hair-care product, as it might contain harsh chemicals that can harm your hair badly.
5. Massage
Massage is very effective for nerves. It regulates blood flow and it always feels good to have a massage. It makes your head lighter and stress-free. One research states that when you massage your scalp it stimulates hair follicles and hence regulates hair growth. Once you start getting a massage, trust me you will be addicted to it.
6. Oiling is necessary (Don’t skip it)
Just like a machine that requires regular oiling, so does your scalp. Moreover, massaging your hair scalp with oil is the best for your hair. But, these days the oiling of hair is rarely done, but it is necessary for the health of your scalp.
If you don’t oil your hair regularly it can dehydrate your scalp. It’s like not washing hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizers, which can leave you prone to pathogens. Instead, not oiling your hair causes dehydration of the scalp which results in dandruff and dryness. Hence, it is necessary for oil to avoid dandruff and hair with split ends.
For better effects, you can use coconut oil or almond oil for hair nourishment.
Barbering and Trimming Tips

1. Cut Your Hair
Unless you want to grow long hair, do trim your hair once in 4-5 weeks, as it is the best way to get rid of damaged and split ends of hairs.
2. Be careful about chemical treatments
A huge bunch of hair-care products contains harsh chemicals. Always take the advice of a barber or hairstylist to avoid side effects from such products. Preferably, use organic hair-care products.
Don’t just buy products just after reading a few reviews or hearing positive reviews from someone, first go to the perfect hairstylist and take treatment only according to your hair type. Don’t use Gel, wax, and other hair shaping products frequently. Use it only after taking advice from your hairstylist who has thorough experience and knowledge about these hair-care products.
3. Ask your barber to use clean cloths and instruments
Whenever you visit the barbershop ask them to use cleaned clothes, scissors, comb, and other stuff they are using for your hair.
Hair Product and Protection Tips
- Preferably carry your comb with you.
- Stick to only one and suitable hair-care products.
- Don’t use shampoo in excess, it makes hair dry.
- Use a Conditioner after shampooing.
- Oiling nourishes your hair and scalp.
- Avoid going outside just after applying oil.
- Preferably use a scarf, bandana, cap, or even a brim when you go outside your home.
- Avoid sitting in the excess sunlight.
Important tips for hair care
Hair is also a part of your body. So if you are healthy ultimately your hair will be healthy.
Hair requires optimum amounts of proteins and vitamins for proper growth.
Lack of any constituent might result in damage of hair, hence you need proper diet and nutrition for hair care.
Here are some important diet tips for hair growth,
1. Water
Drink a lot of water every day, to be always hydrated. The scalp needs to be always hydrated for the proper growth of hair.
2. Vitamin C and Vitamin E
Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables which are rich sources of vitamins. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are essential for hair growth and they are rich sources of antioxidants, it stimulates collagen hormone which is responsible for healthy and silky hair.
3. Biotin
Biotin is a Vitamin-B which is recommended for hair health. It helps you to convert food into needed energy. Include eggs, spinach, and mushrooms regularly in your diet to increase biotin intake. You may have biotin pills after taking proper advice from a physician.
In short, pay attention to your diet i.e. meal timings and meal content. Rest everything will fall into place.
4. Sleep Well
Your sleeping habits determine the health of your hair and overall body. When you fall asleep, the body repairs damaged cells. Sleep also regulates blood circulation, which helps to nourish hair follicles.
Make the style of hair according to your type, don’t harm your hair for so-called fashion and styles.
Health should always be your priority.