cross-platform frameworks

The growing demand for mobile applications requires cross-platform frameworks that make developers a lot more efficient. Traditionally, a developer would have to build two different applications: One in Objective-C for iOS and Java for Android.

While the traditional approach provides unparalleled code consistency, development is costly and usually very slow. Cross-platform frameworks allow developers to write a single piece of code that can be deployed on multiple platforms.

React Native is one of the most popular cross-platform frameworks for the Java languages, Swift and Objective-C. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at React Native and some other cross-platform frameworks to help you select the best one.

To begin with, React Native is an open-source framework that follows .Net web Application development principles and applies them to mobile app development. The framework uses React.JS and JavaScript to provide near-native mobile app development, unlike hybrid or HTML5 apps.

Let’s list the advantages and disadvantages of React Native.

Benefits React Native

As mentioned earlier, React Native is an open-source framework. It gives developers extra flexibility by allowing them always to go back and check their code. This code flexibility translates into more efficient debugging.

With React Native and some other open-source frameworks, a developer can quickly add new features to debug directly. In addition to open-source flexibility, this cross-platform framework can cut development time in half.

You only have to build one application in just one language for both Android and iOS. As a result, there is only one app that you have to test and adjust. This is an invaluable increase in productivity.

Also, React Native should provide an easy transition for Hire Asp.Net MVC Developer new to mobile app development. The framework contains well-known JavaScript principles and concepts, so there is no need to learn a new set of complex rules.

You can take the essential JavaScript elements and gradually develop your skills from there. Plus, getting React Native on your own shouldn’t be that difficult as it’s a pretty straightforward framework.

Disadvantages React Native

React Native has been available since 2015 but is not yet mature. This potential lack of support from Hire Reactjs Developers can be detrimental and negatively impact turnaround time.

React Native uses several third-party libraries, which can be problematic if you unexpectedly run into a structural problem. You also have to take into account the specific design of the Android and iOS platforms.

Both platforms look different and follow specific guidelines that can affect the placement of graphic elements. If visual elements are placed incorrectly on one or both platforms, you must write additional code that meets the design guidelines.

Also, there is no support for all native APIs. This can be solved by using native modules where you write native code for the specific platform. However, you have to master the underlying language and write two versions, which undermine the whole idea behind React Native.

Andree cross-platform frameworks

Cross-platform frameworks such as Flutter, Xamarin, and Ionic have become respected React Native rivals for several reasons, which we outline below.


It is one of the newest cross-platform frameworks. Flutter was released by Google in May 2017 and quickly became a significant competitor to React Native. Flutter has a fast-growing developers community.

Unlike React Native, Flutter adopts the Dart programming language and has well-structured documentation. The user interface uses its widgets instead of native components. Customizing Flutter UI components may be more accessible, but there is a lack of elements in the Cupertino library for iOS development.

However, in terms of configuration and app performance, Flutter outperforms React Native. With Flutter, you don’t need the JavaScript bridge to communicate with native components, and 60fps animations are supported. Flutter is also easier to install and automatically checks for system problems.

At this point, React Native still has a larger community, more IDEs supported, and a better industry adoption rate.


Xamarin has become one of the most popular frameworks allowing developers to share up to 90% of code cross-platform.

Unlike React Native and Flutter, Xamarin is based on the .NET framework. It uses C #, which is mature and robust enough to create a predictable programming environment. You can use .NET framework functions such as LINQ, Sync, and Lambdas. Also, Xamarin is compiled to native libraries by default.

For these reasons, Hire Asp.Net Developers choose Xamarin to develop apps with speed and look and feel of a native app. One of the other big pluses compared to React Native is the use of the latest APIs.

This cross-platform framework has robust platform features as it can use the latest native APIs such as Android Multi-Window and iOS ARK it. This ensures that Xamarin apps can compete well with natively developed Android and iOS apps.

In terms of UI design, Xamarin offers the possibility to create a platform-specific UI layer so that the app shows a native look and feel and a native behavior on both platforms.


Different from the aforementioned cross-platform frameworks, Ionic uses Angular and HTML5 to develop hybrid apps. In many ways, that may not be the ideal solution for cross-platform development, but Ionic can still be used for simple or business apps.

Compared to React Native or Xamarin, the main drawback of Ionic is that it isn’t nearly as native. This lack of native-born performance stems from the framework’s lack of native components and rendering mobile apps through web technologies.

But Ionic isn’t necessarily bad. You can test Ionic apps very quickly, and the framework comes with many out-of-the-box components that speed up development.


The choice for a cross-platform framework comes down to the requirements of you or your customer. Ionic can be a quick and easy solution for less demanding apps. Flutter performs very well, but it lacks the support and usability of React Native and Xamarin.

So it might be best to choose between Xamarin or React Native for their flexibility and better native-like integration.

By hireasp