Hair Loss in Women

No matter what gender you are, hair loss does not discriminate, and anyone can get affected by it. However, since most women like to keep long hair, hair loss is more devastating to them than men. Today, we are looking at the different causes, symptoms, and remedies available. Read on for more insights on the Reasons of Hair Loss in Women and why a hair transplant is the best treatment. 

There are several reasons or causes of hair loss in women. Some of the common ones include hormonal changes, medical conditions, hairstyles, and stress. Tracing the root cause isn’t as easy as it seems. However, the symptoms may tell why your hair is thinning as a woman and what you can do to prevent or treat hair loss. 

Symptoms of Hair Loss in Women 

How the hair thins may reveal the cause of the hair loss. Hair loss may happen gradually in a long period of time, or it may occur suddenly. The best way to find out why your hair or thinning is by tracking symptoms or changes in your scalp that is not normal. Most of the time, hair loss happens in patterns. Keeping a record of when and how hair thinning occurs will help determine the root cause and whether you need a hair transplant. If you are a woman, these are some of the signs that you will experience when your hair is thinning:

Overall Thinning 

The most common hair loss in women is when hair thinning happens gradually on top of the scalp. Although this happens to both men and women, it is easily noticeable in women. In men, a receding hairline is a common sign. In women, it will be noticeable by hair loss that tends to broaden. 

Bald Spots 

This type of baldness occurs in the form of circles or patches. They usually appear in the scalp and grow to the size of a coin. Before the hair starts to fall out, you may feel some pain or itchiness. 

Handfuls of Hair 

This sign of hair loss usually appears suddenly when a person has undergone physical or emotional trauma. The person will notice that huge chunks of hair falling out while washing or combining the hair. It will cause overall thinning on the scalp. 

Full Loss 

Certain medical treatments and medication may cause hair to fall out suddenly all over the body. A good example is when doctors are treating cancer using chemotherapy. You should know that a hair transplant will not work in this condition. 

Now that you know the different hair loss symptoms and signs to watch out let’s now focus on hair loss and its causes. 

Types of Alopecia 

Another name for hair loss is alopecia. It is not attributed to nerves, nor is it contagious. The reason for hair thinning in alopecia is when the immune system starts attacking hair follicles. This is caused by poor hair care, stress, or genetics. 

Androgenetic Alopecia

In women, a common hair loss condition is called androgenetic alopecia or female-pattern baldness. It is usually caused by a lineage that has a history of hair loss or genetics. It can start attacking persons of ages between 12 to 40 years. In men, the male pattern baldness will occur on specific bald spots or as a receding hairline. In women, this type of hair loss will occur all over the scalp. 

Alopecia Areata

This type of hair loss leaves patches on the scalp, where hair has fallen out. It may also occur in other parts of the body that grow hair. In most cases, it may start with one or more round bald patches. These patches may or may not overlap.

Cicatricial Alopecia

These are several types of hair loss conditions that cause hair loss from scarring. These types of hair thinning cannot be reversed. Once a hair strand falls out, it is replaced by scar tissue. 

Traumatic Alopecia

This type of hair loss is caused by poor hair styling. It usually happens when a person uses a hot comb, a hair straightener, a blow dryer, or certain hair care products. These types of hair styling, when applied regularly, may break the hair shaft. 

Various medical conditions also cause hair loss. Some of these conditions cause autoimmune disorders, where the immune system starts attacking other cells in the body, including hair follicles. An example is celiac disease. Other medical conditions cause direct hair loss, such as ring warms, where the follicles are scared. Disruption of hormones may also cause direct hair loss. 


The earlier you notice hair thinning, the better. Therefore, you need to watch out for the various hair loss signs that we have mentioned above. If you suspect that you are losing more hair than normal, consult your family doctor. He or she will carry out a few rests to determine the hair loss cause and whether you may need a hair transplant procedure as a remedy.