Benefits of Swimming

Exercising has both physical and mental health benefits. Every exercise has additional benefits that are its unique selling points. Swimming is unlike other exercises for several reasons. It is these reasons that make it so popular.

Swimming Can Provide Pain Relief

Did you know that doctors recommend swimming for people with osteoarthritis? They do this because it can decrease arterial stiffness, reducing pain in the extremities.

It is also the perfect exercise for people who experience excruciating pain when they engage in other forms of exercise, especially weight-bearing ones. The buoyancy and coolness of the water are also appealing to obese or overweight people for whom other exercises are not ideal.

Breathing Can Also Benefit Your Respiratory Health

Other exercises force you to inhale shallowly and exhale forcefully. Swimming is the exact opposite because you inhale fast and deeply and exhale slowly. 

Swimmers have to do this because their heads are underwater for significant periods, so they must take advantage of the little time they have to inhale and exhale.

This change in how you consume air while swimming can strengthen your respiratory muscles, leading to improved respiratory health.

Swimming Benefits Your Back

The upright position when exercising might not be enough to counteract the effects of the hours you sit hunched over a desk. However, the horizontal position you assume while swimming does and can, therefore, have immense benefits and provide relief to your back.

Instead of being bent over like you would when riding a bike or putting a lot of strain on your back when running, swimming stretches your back in the opposite direction. This slight change can prevent back pain and injuries, improve your posture, and remedy other effects of a sedentary personal and professional life.

Swimming Engages Your Whole Body

Most exercises target specific parts of the body. Weightlifting has a higher impact on muscles in the upper body, while running and cycling impact the lower body more.

Swimming engages all your muscles, including those in your legs, upper body, and back. It also engages your core, leading to overall muscle volume improvements. These improvements are especially crucial for weight loss because muscles burn more energy, which is why many people bulk up as they try to lose weight.

Swimming is More Enjoyable and Accessible

Swimming can also improve your mood and is an overall fun activity. Many people also say swimming is more fun than activities like running or lifting weights. There is also evidence that people quit swimming at lower rates than other forms of exercise.

Swimming is also accessible because most people can find a swimming pool nearby. All you need to get started is the right gear and the right trainer. You can purchase men’s designer swim shorts for a day at the pool, and find a local trainer to teach you how to swim so you can leverage all its benefits.

Swimming has numerous benefits and is perfect for people who cannot engage in other forms of exercise. Swimmers are also less likely to be injured while swimming and more likely to stick with it for the long term. You can start with 30-minute sessions and the right trainer at a local pool and go from there.

By Punit