If you’re dreaming of a successful writing career, multi-million dollar fees, crowds of fans, autograph sessions, and white limousines, then this article is for you. Today, I’m going to share valuable tricks on how to get the desired volume of the book.
Modern literature is the bustling marketplace where the laws of supply and demand work. The sellers perfectly know the intricacies and are very sensitive to the buyers’ behavior. But the shopkeepers have a vital interest not only in clients but also proven and reliable providers. The author’s task in these conditions is to prove himself pliable and hard-working craftsman ready to release the desired number of pages to fit the bookseller’s needs.
In this regard, the volume of the book becomes vital. The lines below are for those who want to be in good standing with the publishing house. To know more about her, dig this.
So, how to extend the volume of the book?
Let’s talk about what to do in a situation when the publishing house is dissatisfied with a small volume of your book.
First, do not argue! Instead, listen carefully and record everything the publishers say. Naturally, they will tell you how many pages you need to complete the masterpiece. And if this figure does not exceed 10% of the already written text, then you’ll have no problems with finishing the book. Stick to the advice below, and soon you’ll become a loyal partner of the publishing house.
1. Expand the Descriptions
You’d be surprised at how many authors pay unforgivable little attention to the space surrounding the characters. How often do you see poor sentences like: “Jane entered the room?” Let’s take is as an example.
In this case, the author neglected the description of the situation, considering it superfluous. But readers and editors do want to know the atmosphere. Was the room big or small? Was it ventilated or stuffy? What was the color of the walls? Etc. Hard to believe, but all these details are an amazing way to work on the atmosphere, and by omitting them, you’re wasting both the volume of the book and the money.
An experienced author can immediately see here a big space for the volume expansion. Describe the atmosphere until you’re sure that the reader will be completely imbued with it. Remember that every detail works on the plot!
2. Work on the Dialogues
Many novices ignore the attribution of dialogues. Simply put, they do not indicate the identity of the speaker. Their dialogues seem austere and boring, as though they are doing a favor to the readers by writing them.
Proficient authors include a rich and expressive attribution to every speech. It’s not a dialogue but rather a work of art! An experienced author knows the weight of these simple “he said” and “she said.” Attribution brought him more than a dozen additional pages, so he will never allow dialogues without specifying the speakers.
3. Add a Chapter, a Prolog or an Epilog
How sad to see books that start with the first chapter! Prologs, epilogs, and flashbacks are a great technique for discovering the conflict of the history and personality of the protagonist. So if you suddenly discovered that for some unimaginable reason, your novel misses an epilog or a prolog, urgently sit and write it regardless of how consistent the story is.
The skill of the author lies in the ability to add a dozen of pages to what was already said. So feel free to explain the circumstances of the birth of the main character. These details will make the story look even more coherent and thorough.
4. Add an Epigraph to Each Chapter
Have you ever noticed how beautiful and elegant the beginning of the chapter looks when decorated with an epigraph? Well, it’s not just the beauty and satisfaction of the aesthetic senses, but also a preemptive strike against critics! Imagine the catharsis they will experience when realizing that you’re quoting books that they have not even heard of! It is checkmate.
Undoubtedly, the text strengthened with intelligent and intricate epigraphs becomes more powerful.
5. Add a Storyline
Believe me, there’s nothing more interesting to the reader than to learn something new about his favorite heroes. Well, we always focus on the protagonist, leaving the minor characters in the shadows. So why not expand your c story, adding a story-line?
An additional story-line freshens the narrative, making it multifaceted and realistic. Knowledgeable authors have long been using these chips, which is why in their novels there is often more than one protagonist. With the increase in the number of characters, the volume of the book is growing exponentially.
6. Continue the Story
It may happen that it’s almost impossible to add a new story-line. This happens when the conflict is too simple, with the minimum number of characters. Then nothing remains except to continue the story. Traditionally, revenge is one of the most powerful motives. The Sauron is defeated, and the all-Seeing Eye is destroyed? The evil is immortal, I would say. Expand the conflict and the intrigue, make things global.
I hope this article will be helpful to you on the way to literary Olympus. I wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors!