Healthy Changes After Turning 30

No matter how much we wish to avoid it, aging is an inevitable process. Witnessing your body lose proficiency and top-notch health slowly crumble is not an easy task. So if you can not avoid it, why not embrace it? Although you can not control everything about your aging, such as genetic and environmental factors, many other matters are in your hand. You can make your aging slower and more graceful by adopting healthy practices timely.

After living carefree years of your teenage and twenties, you have made it to the third decade of your life, and the same attitude can now affect your health. So if you haven’t pondered over bringing healthy changes in your life, here are some ways to take a turn for the better.  

1. Quit Drugs and Alcohol Consumption:

Whether you enjoy an alcoholic beverage occasionally and use drugs sporadically or are addicted to them, quitting its consumption should be your first move. As you age, your body’s reaction to alcohol and drugs changes. You may feel their effect more strongly than before without increasing their intake. Aging also means you will need to start some medications to resolve health issues, and they can react dangerously to these substances.

As your third decade of life commences, you should seek to have more stability in life, financial, physical, mental, and social. It is crucial for fulfilling the responsibilities towards your growing family, aging parents, and above all, yourself. Unfortunately, with substance abuse, it will be a far-fetched reality. To identify the symptoms of addiction and learn about the treatment options, explore the free treatment guide for substance abuse and take your first step towards sobriety. 

2. Learn to Manage and Release Stress:

At every age, stress haunts us in one form or the other. Your teens and twenties might have gone by oscillating from one worry to another. The tension of getting and repaying the student loan, studies-related stress, developing a career, and financially supporting yourself might have plagued your youth. In your thirties, with a family depending on you and other worries that vary from person to person, you will find yourself in a similar situation. However, the critical thinking skills and maturity we mostly lack at a young age hone as we grow and approach our midlife.

With these tools, it is high time that you learn to manage and release your stress and block it from draining your inner peace. By taking tough but much-needed decisions, meditating daily, going easy on yourself, and setting realistic goals, you will soon learn to keep the tensions in check. If they cross a limit, it may lead to both physical and mental health issues detrimental to you in the long run.

3. Stick to a Healthy Diet:

The years of youth often make a person ignorant of the harmful effects of unhealthy eating habits. You might eat anything you want, and your body will not exhibit its side effects. However, the consequences of your unhealthy diet will manifest as you approach the threshold of old age. It can be heart-related diseases, bone weakening, gastrointestinal issues, or any other illness that can take hold of you if you do not rectify your diet while you can.

Moreover, the time to build your bone density is the late twenties or thirty, after which your bones reach their peak mass. Though bone remodeling will continue, the loss in its mass will be more than the gain. So stick to a healthy diet to ensure a slower decline of your body and keep diseases at a distance. 

Calcium is the primary nutrient for strong bones, so ensure its surplus supply. Instead of taking high-calcium meals at once, consume small amounts throughout the day for good absorbance. Also, consider eating more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber for good gut health. Along with a high-protein diet to guarantee muscle strength, keep it low in calories to maintain an ideal weight.

4. Practice Daily Exercise:

One of the hardest things to adapt to in late life is having mobility issues and depending on others for daily chores. If you wish to treasure your independence and be on your feet for as long as you live, do not let your body get used to sitting around. Daily exercise will help you avoid issues that make a person bedridden in old age.

You might feel that engaging in a rigorous workout at the start of the day will drain your energy for work. But it is the contrary. Exercising in the morning boosts your energy and improves your mood, ensuring a great day ahead. Especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle and your job demands you to be at your desk all day long, your body’s agility and flexibility are at risk. It might not have been a problem before, but if you have reached your thirties, it will not be long before mobility issues, and joint pains start to surface. So keep yourself physically active to make up for your lifestyle. Daily exercise will improve stamina, boost immunity, strengthen muscles, and unlock secrets to an active body.

5. Schedule Regular Checkups With Your Physician:

Your thirties are a friendly reminder to go out of your way to prioritize your health. It might be hard to accept, but it is a reality nonetheless that your body needs some extra attention as it is growing old. Even if you are in good health, regular checkups will keep an eye on age-related diseases. They creep up silently, and without regular checkups, they will announce their presence by lashing out with full intensity. It can vary from hypertension and diabetes to heart-related diseases. Routine checkups are also a great time to discuss seemingly insignificant health problems for which you will never book a separate appointment. Once you develop a habit of regular screening sessions, remember not to skip them and ensure an optimum status of your health.


The transition from having carefree habits to monitored ones can be difficult, but it is the wisest move to make. Your mind might still be processing your youth years, but reality would be shoving you to your middle age. Instead of dwelling on the past, keep your eyes on what is about to come. Healthy practices today will lock away many benefits for your old age. So act timely and wisely, and your thirties will be the new twenties!