Ha Young Park is comfortable in her own skin. This Korean media content creator has been recognized for her creativity within her own country, in the United States, and many other parts of the world for her videos which fall into a very specific niche. While the productions she creates most certainly display unique content, there’s far more to their success than this.

Ms. Park is the sole creator, editor, and marketer of her work and has a deep understanding of the tools needed to be successful in the world of E-commerce marketing. It takes vision and diligence in addition to connecting with an audience in the online world and Ha Young Park is the perfect melding of artist and business minds; seemingly a necessity for those who occupy the space that exists for online media in a global market. As her videos prove, sometimes you can go smaller to go bigger. 

In creating “Love Envelope” and “Mini Crayon Set”, Ha Young had a simple premise; present an original craft idea with instructions so simple that anyone could follow it. Without the use of written or spoken instructions, the performative instructions needed to be incredibly well thought-out and direct. Exhibiting her skill as a storyteller, Ha Young delayed a twist for the information until the end and heightened this with the use of astute editing.

“Love Envelope” presents the creation of a mini-envelope with a hidden message inside which can only be seen when unearthed by a specific process. “Mini Crayon Set” is a quirky creation of an actual working crayon set out of common household items. The ideation of these videos alone is wonderfully innovative. The manner in which they are presented is equally impressive, and demanding. Ha Young has a style of editing which intuitively leads viewers to a state of eased confidence and enthusiasm for her creations. Whether that is in regards to replication or simply entertainment, the result is abundantly pleasing. 

 In commerce, the personal touch is aspirational. Small Business Saturday was created to focus the mega-store attention of Black Friday onto Mom and Pop stores. In terms of entertainment, the work of those like Ha Young Park is the same. It’s important to note that her videos are created solely by her and receive millions of views (for example-“Love Envelope” has over twelve million views) while broadcast TV sitcoms such as Ghosts (9.3 million viewers) and Abbot Elementary (3.9 million viewers) are considered major hits and require an army of professionals to manifest. When one considers the audience Ha Young is able to amass by herself, it’s a stunning feat. 

The sheer number of videos on platforms like TikTok and YouTube make it seem inconceivable that someone will get noticed. Ha Young Park is immensely proud of the fact that her videos have gone viral on these platforms and companies like Tastemade Home (US based media company which creates award-winning content in the categories of Food, Travel, and Home & Design) have included her work in their “best of” videos. California based social media agency SPARK has also invited Ha Young to be one of their brand managers. What is the most essential element of her work that has led to this international notoriety?

Ha Young Park adamantly states, “The most crucial part is to make sure that the idea is original and not a copy of someone else’s. If you do discover later that what you created was an unintentional copy, you should always cite other’s work. To avoid this kind of problem, I always double check and research on social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok. I think this is one of important parts that artists have to deal with. The originality and authenticity of work makes a strong brand value and standout videos that receive recognition.”

She adds that sometimes even a negative can be the catalyst for a positive outcome, “I had one incident in which a very popular YouTuber who creates art and craft recreated one of my original works. Some of the viewers recognized that it was a copy of my work and called them out, but on the positive side, it actually exposed my account to even more viewers because of the hype and eventually resulted in more likes and followers for me.”

Writer : Basil Thomson