Google is a necessary aspect of life for a vast number of Internet users. Every day, we utilise the Google search engine to feed our insatiable thirst for knowledge.

So let’s take a break from that and look at some cool google tricks, entertaining searches, and games that are hidden beneath its massive layers of data.

You might be wondering what these Google gimmicks are for. No, there isn’t any! They’re just stuff to do on Google for fun. It’s something you can show your pals to wow them and demonstrate your geekiness.

Best Google Fun Tricks List

All the fun things you can do on Google have been tracked down and prepared a Google tricks list in this article. Here’s how it goes:

1. Rolling a barrel

Rolling a barrel

If you want to surprise a buddy by convincing them that their Google has crashed, this approach can be the most effective weapon. Ask them to look up, “do a barrel roll google trick“, and then enter. The entire homepage will scroll down to them, giving them the impression that Google has crashed.

You can take this trick a step further by simply asking them to Google “perform a barrel roll google trick” and then pressing enter. This will drive them insane because the site will roll down 20 times before returning to normal.

2. Google is a linguist.

We all know that Google has a high level of accuracy when it comes to words. There have been numerous occasions when you have arrived at a term and discovered that the pronunciation differs from Google. Well, it’s not a good thing, but you might say it’s a fun google trick that came from Google.

3. It can read images.

Google images

We’ve all heard that no matter what your questions are, as long as they’re in text format, Google will have an answer. But have you ever considered searching for a picture using an image?  You can even give it a go on your own.

All you have to do is go to the Google homepage’s camera option. You’ll also need to put the image you’re looking for in the search box. Google will search for the same image or images that are related to it.

4. It can interact in several languages.

google language

You’re thinking to yourself “How can Google do that?”,  There are numerous languages in the Google database, and you can change your default language to one of them if you like. That is if you are conversant in the language.

All you have to do now is choose a language from the language drop-down menu. The language will be used in the search results as well.

5. Defies the laws of physics

Google gravity trick

This Google gravity trick is one of the most popular ways to deceive your friends and family into believing that Google has come crashing down on them.

All you have to do is go to the Google homepage and type in google gravity. To correct it, an auto-suggestion will appear. Ignore that section and click “I’m feeling lucky,” and the entire Google page will collapse as if struck by a gigantic earthquake. You can also drag and discard all of the shattered fragments.

6. You will be provided with an offline game.

google offline game

You may be stranded somewhere without access to the internet. And there’s the fact that you don’t have any games on your phone. So, how are you going to pass the time?

It is pretty challenging to do so. However, if you have Google, you may use the Google Chrome browser to perform one of Google’s tricks. If you try to look for something with no internet connection, you will be greeted by a Tirex who tells you there is no online connection. When you touch Tirex, an offline game will begin. The space button can be used to control the avatar.

7. Branolia doesn’t work as well.

This isn’t one of Google’s techniques, but just a few people utilise it. Google is an excellent source of information. When we’re in a pit and want to know everything there is to know about it, we first look it up on Google.

That is the significance of Google. To enhance your brain cell, you must drink an energy booster, such as granola. You must have a positive mindset and diligently study from Google. This will undoubtedly assist you in gaining the knowledge you want.

8. Have fun with the doodles.

Have fun with the doodles

Doodles are a component of the google play refund trick. Google releases fresh doodles every day that are relevant to current events. You are welcome to play with them if you so desire.

When you go to Google the next time and see a doodle, all you have to do is click it. It will take you to a new page where you can play games linked to doodles.

9. Breakout on Atari

Breakout on Atari

Hundreds of board game varieties endure, but no one can ever ignore the original Atari Breakout experience from the 1990s. Don’t miss out on this opportunity if you’ve never had the chance before.

The game is no longer available on Google search, but it is still available on good. Scroll down the website and click on Atari Breakout Game. You’ll see that all of the Google photos have been converted into blocks where you can play the classic game. Let me know what your highest score is in the comments section below.

10. Askew


Another one of google hacks and tricks is Askew. To see how your page leans a little, type “Askew” into the Google search area. It may not be as exciting as some of Google’s other entertaining antics, but it’s good to see the world’s most famous search engine bending a few on your desktop.

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11. Recursion


To comprehend recursion, you must first understand recursion.” This google hidden trick is for the IT professionals out there.

If you Google “recursion,” you’ll get stuck in an eternal loop that looks a lot like recursion. The phrase “recursion” relates to the action of repeating something. When searching recursion, Google will show “did you mean recursion?” Repeatedly, it’s a Google joke for all the geeks who understand what recursion is in the first position.

12. Thanos


Thanos google trick is a clever Google trick that is sure to delight Marvel fans everywhere. To find ” Thanos snap google trick,” go look and type in “Thanos snap trick.” Jump to Marvel’s supervillain biography on the right-hand side of the page once you’ve arrived at the search results. Now, just below Google Images, click the “Gauntlet” symbol to witness Google disintegrate its page listings.

13. Anagram


This is one of those classic dad jokes that aren’t that humorous but yet make you laugh. So, here’s a google search tips and tricks.

When you type “Anagram” into Google, it wonders if you meant “Nag A Ram.” It’s a made-up word that’s an anagram of the word “Anagram.”

14. Rush of the Zerg

Rush of the Zerg

Although Zerg Rush seems to have disappeared, these google assistant tricks may yet be seen on ElgooG, a Google mirror developed by the All Too Flat.

Select Zeg Rush from the ElgooG menu. Numerous ‘o’s will start to drop from the search bar, progressively gulping the whole page and leaving nothing behind. It’s entertaining to watch.

Alternatively, after typing “Zerg Rush” into the Google search field, click “I am feeling lucky” to access the secret Google trick.

15. Google sky.

Another exciting google tips and trick is Google Sky, which permits users to travel around space. Google sky will allow you to view astronomical objects like galaxies, stars, constellations, planets, and the Earth’s moon.


Finally, Google is an all-in-one platform. You may teach yourself, search for various inquiries, and even delight yourself with the best of Google secret tricks in times of need.

By Punit