Get the Job of Your Dreams

The dream job is one that does not feel obligatory but causes joy, is well paid, and motivates you to get up every day because the satisfaction it provides is unmatched. But how do you get this kind of job?

How to find out what you want professionally and why? Goals are the backbone of any successful career. They keep us motivated and focused on what we have to do to get where we want to be. To set these goals, think about the steps you will need to take to be successful. And do everything possible for it.

What is your dream job?

What does the interviewer mean by the question ‘what is your dream job’? A question that refers to the profession of your dreams is aimed at finding your motivations, aspirations, and those activities that are rewarding, with which you develop and express your potential.

In this sense, each person has their own preferences, so we are going to list some characteristics that can make a job the ideal one for you:

  • Something that you are passionate about;
  • Work environment;
  • Flexibility of the schedule;
  • A good salary;
  • Diverse responsibilities;
  • Professional enhancement;
  • Job security.

Surely it has happened to you that suddenly you feel that you have a lot of capacity to carry out other responsibilities in your current job or in another company. However, to make it happen many times we need to put in some effort because we must show that we are capable of growing in our professional careers.

Although it may not seem like it, many times the opportunity to get the job of your dreams is closer than you think. We share these 7 steps that will help you be a better professional and show that you are suitable to get that long-awaited position.

7 steps to get the job of your dreams:

1. Count your strengths:

So that you can clearly convey who you are and what your strengths are, you first have to make a list of them. A list in which you highlight your achievements, experience, and knowledge. It is also good exercise to read this list out loud. 

What for? No matter how humble your achievements are, they are yours, you earned them and it is a good practice since one easily forgets one’s own victories to remember them.

This list of your strengths and everything you have achieved will help you have confidence when going to a job interview. It is also important when advertising your knowledge and professional experience.

2. Stay up to date:

Look for workshops, courses, or diplomas in your areas of interest. This will help you show yourself as an up-to-date professional who is constantly looking to learn new things. If you’re short on time, look on platforms like Coursera, which offer tons of massive online courses in all areas of knowledge, and many of them are free.

In addition, find out how you can stand out from all the other job seekers. You need to present yourself as a shining star when applying for a new position to actually land it. This can be done by presenting yourself as someone capable of meeting the needs of the company and exceeding its expectations.

For competitive reasons, it is important to stay as up-to-date as possible on your competitors and think about the ways in which they established themselves and what could still be improved.

3. Be better organized:

Make better use of your work time so that you can have space in your schedule to make these improvements in your professional career. Use apps like TodoIst or Wunderlist to better organize your pending tasks, both work and personal.

4. Update your CV and LinkedIn:

Go prepare your resume, according to the job you aspire to. Update all your achievements and highlights, thinking about what could help you to interest your future employer or boss. You can find a lot of tips online to add your resume or your LinkedIn profile. Remember to update the resume for any position you apply for with targeted keywords and skills.

5. Expand your network of contacts:

A good professional seeks to always be connected with other people within their industry or sector. Try to attend events related to your employment, and conferences, and join groups on the internet or social networks. We never know when someone may be our port of entry to new job opportunities.

You can also use online conferences to expand your network. Other resources may include Nuwber and Leadar where you can find the contact info of any professional. 

6. Make a list of priorities:

It is always important to be able to measure where we are and where we want to go. Write each of your alternatives and in two columns write the advantages and disadvantages. For example, here you can put everything from your ideal jobs to the extra activities you need to grow.

In addition, create a list of what the company needs. A good strategy for finding your dream job is to locate the company you want to work for using their website, social media profiles, and other related materials.

This will give you an idea of what kind of employees they are looking for, what their work culture is like, and information about who they are as a brand.

7. And finally, dare to take risks:

Apply for jobs and interviews like your life depended on it. Getting your dream job is very difficult nowadays and you need to do everything in your power to find one. One way is to fill out more than 10 job applications a day and keep track of all the companies. If you work hard, eventually someone will hire you.

Many times, we do not aspire to that dream job or ask for a promotion because we are afraid to let go of what we have now and be left with nothing. Reflect well when it is worth making these decisions, but the important thing is that you lose your fear of changing or reinventing yourself. It is always good to look for new horizons.

At last, we suggest following vacancies like crazy, not giving up, and always being ready for rejection. Having a positive outlook, in addition to being persistent, is very important for professional success. If you’re not successful with your first job, don’t give up and move on to the next one.

You need to be prepared for rejection and other difficult situations and know that there is always a way to bounce back and start fresh.