Plumbing is not a job that you risk it with a non-professional or untrained plumber. You have to make a little effort like trying plumber 24 hours to get the effective results. Here are a few questions that can help to know whether you are making the right decision or not.
1. Is he licensed?
Working with a licensed professional is all you need to have a peaceful installation or repair work. Before you sign any agreement to proceed further, ensure that the company, as well as the individual expert, has the licensed to work as a local plumber in your area. Be it a drain pipe installation or a repairing work, the task needs technical handling for effective results. That is why it is necessary to get a licensed professional for drain pipe installation. So that you do not have to worry about any kind of scam.
2. What will the total cost?
Asking for the cost is really important as there is a number of companies offering the same service at high rates that are unaffordable. Do not let the industry’s black sheep rule the world. Step out and look for the companies that offer moderate rate with quality service. If you think the services of the professional you are dealing with is reasonably priced, go for it.
3. Is he charging your hourly rate or flat rate?
Though you have taken the estimates yet ensure that you are paying for the flat rates or hourly rates. This is necessary because when you allow the experts with hourly rates to work, they are probably slower to increase the fare. So, be clear in the beginning to avoid any conflict later.
4. What payment methods to follow?
Every company has designed a different method to receive the payments that is why it’s your duty to ask before signing the contract. If the company asks for an upfront payment, quit immediately. That is one of the most common scams that run in the industry. The best way is to pay in installments for drain pipe installation and drain pipe repair so that you can have a secure dealing.
5. Who will be working at your place?
When you are dealing with a plumbing company, you will deal with the representative because they have developed teams for different sort of works. So, you need to ask who will be working at my place to avoid any sort of conflict later.
6. Who takes responsibility for any damage?
What if anything breaks or anyone gets injured? Who will take the responsibility to recover the loss? For such scenarios, companies have designed a few policies to ensure safety and protection. Explore what your company has to offer as in your security.
7. Will he clean up the mess?
Installing a drain pipe can be a mess that you have to deal with. Ask your expert who will be handling the cleanup task once everything is done. Often it is on the company or the professional you have hired to leave your place as clean as it was before.