A very subtle and easy method of teeth straightening is via the use of Invisalign. It requires very little changes to your lifestyle, plus there are a plethora of treatment options you can get. Using nearly invisible aligners, you can get a convenient, straightforward, and seamless treatment for misaligned teeth.
Granted, clear aligners are flexible in the application; however, as an Invisalign wearer, there are guidelines to follow for smooth and safe treatment. So, while in the comfort of your home, you can use these retainer and aligner tips to measure what you should and shouldn’t do to ensure optimum results at the end of the day. Don’t mind that these rules may look extensive. They will surely help you in the long run.
See for yourself!
Dos of Invisalign
1. These tips give great post-Invisalign treatment results
With the way clear aligners are designed, the treatment is simple, fast, and doesn’t require so many changes to your daily life. You can even see the end result of your treatment before you start treatment; absolutely amazing right? Well, be that as it may, following these in-house retainer and Invisalign tips will guarantee safe and effective treatment. It is noteworthy to mention that your aligners will be worn for at least 22 hours every day; sounds so much of a commitment, isn’t it? But it’s important you adhere and maintain some of the dos we’ll be providing here to achieve a healthier smile:
2. Go along with extra trays if you need to travel
While you are packing your bags in preparation for that vacation, business trip, or tourism, ensure you pack your clear aligners as well. Why is this important? Going on a journey without your aligners short circuits your treatment, and forgetting to go with extra trays will mean the absence of a new set of aligners when your current trays begin to change color and deteriorate. Not only that, traveling with an extra set of aligners can cover for misplaced aligners during your time away. Should you need Invisalign clear braces, you can visit our clinic.
3. Make use of chewies and Movements
The efficacy of Invisalign and retainers is determined by their perfect fit. So, ill-fitting aligners may not grant the best results. Apart from using chewies, you can use Movements too. They are very useful in fitting aligners as you move about. Also, Movements ensures fresh breath all day long.
4. Attend regular dental checkups and professional cleaning
It involves a great deal of care using Invisalign, which is why as a user, you should visit your dentist regularly for oral checkups and cleaning in the course of treatment. What’s in this for you? All the germs and bacteria that might inhibit your treatment result will be detected and eliminated during checkups, plus the progress of your treatment will be effectively monitored and any necessary adjustments made.
5. Maintain proper dental hygiene
This should not be overlooked. After getting your aligners, it lies in your hand to care for them. Brush and floss your teeth before wearing your aligners. Clean your trays regularly too. Good oral hygiene prevents bacteria growth, plaque buildup, and any oral infection that might set in with poor dental care.
6. Move along with a hand sanitizer
Invisalign allows you to eat whatever you want, provided you take out your aligners before doing so. The process of removing and wearing your aligners at intervals puts your mouth at risk of getting infected from your hands; which may have touched contaminated surfaces. Wash your hands before taking out your aligners. If hand washing is not possible, carry a hand sanitizer to clean your hands on the go.
Don’ts of Invisalign
1. For optimum results, avoid these negative Invisalign practices
Often, patients are only advised on what to do during Invisalign treatment but are not told what to avoid. It is great to advocate positive treatment-focused practices, yet it’s even best to identify and stay away from things that could hinder your treatment progress with aligners.
See the following no-nos from Invisalign experts that will help you achieve a seamless clear aligner treatment:
2. Keeping your aligners on a napkin is not good
This is because leaving them on a napkin or in the open can cause you to lose them, stashing in the trash, or expose them to your pets. To avoid this, get a retainer case for storing your trays when not in use. Place one by your bedside, in your kitchen, and in your backpack or purse. This will guarantee treatment continuity always.
3. Don’t throw away your previous aligners
Having a backup aligner you can fall back to in the event that you lose the current ones is smart. There’s no denying that aligners get missing now and then. So, whether you are about to switch to a new set of aligners or go back to using the previous one, having backup aligners will help you stay on track with treatment.
4. Don’t eat or drink anything while wearing your aligners
This advice is clearly stated before, during, and after treatment with Invisalign. Kindly ensure you don’t have to eat or drink anything else than water with your aligners on. Resist the temptation of feeling you can eat soft foods or chew gum with your aligners; it can seriously damage your aligner trays.
5. Store aligners in cool and mild temperature areas
Keeping your aligners where the temperature is very high like under direct sunlight, near hot water, or too much heat from a car can alter the shape of your aligners, making them less effective. For optimum results, store your aligners in a cool, dry place.
6. Don’t use sharp objects to take out your aligners
Your mouth will be at risk if you should attempt removing your aligners with sharp objects. It’s better you use a tool like OrthoKey to carefully remove your aligners from the back of your mouth. Doing so will protect your aligners and mouth from danger.
Since you now know how best to treat your clear aligners, you can start right away. But if you are considering Invisalign for teeth straightening, feel free to contact at the Dental Clinic.
These Invisalign tips if followed carefully can go a long way to make you enjoy your treatment and get the most out of your aligners. If you think Invisalign is the best option for fixing your misaligned teeth, you can check out this dentist who offers Invisalign, veneers, and quality cosmetic injections.