Cyberbullying and Identity Theft

Bullying has always been an issue in schools, workplaces, and other public locations. So many people have experienced bullying in the past. Today, cyber bullying is more common than traditional in-person bullying. It’s done virtually but can be just as harmful.

What is Cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying is using digital devices to attack others. Often cyberbullies share personal or upsetting information, harass other people, stalk them, spread rumors, and damage their mental health and friendships, and relationships. Cyberbullies are often persistent and many target specific individuals. Cyber bullying is a harmful attack you must work to protect yourself from. If you’re being bullied online, you need to know you can get help. Learn about the different types of cyber bullying used today and how to react to safeguard yourself from serious harm.

What are the Different Forms of Cyber-bullying

There are many different ways that people bully others online today. Some are more minor than others, but none of these forms of bullying are okay. 


To reveal a person’s location, private photos or videos or other protected information that would either embarrass them or put them at risk. Often doxing is performed when blackmailing an individual. 


Posting upsetting content in an attempt to anger another person. Often trolls don’t know the people they’re interacting with.


Keeping others out of the conversation or out of online activities. This attack is meant to keep others from feeling like they belong.


Accessing another person’s account without their knowledge. This is usually accomplished by using an unattended phone or tablet. Often an attacker posts something embarrassing or offensive with this type of attack.


Directly bullying another person via an online gaming platform. Griefing is often via voice chat or through in-game texting.


Forming fake accounts pretending to be someone else in order to bully an individual more effectively. Masquerading often accomplishes by pretending to be someone close to the other person.

Cyber stalking

Closely monitoring a person online, sending unsettling messages, and making false accusations.

The Harmful Effects of Cyber Bullying

Bulling online can lead to harmful mental health damage. You may suffer from social issues, and your relationships could suffer too. Many students avoid going to school, withdraw, become depressed or angry, and struggle with life after bulling online. Many individuals will also become anxious around electronic devices and may stop taking part in activities or talking with others.

How to React to Cyber bullying

If a bully is targeting you, you must act fast to guard yourself. There are several steps you can take to fend off the bully and secure your information and your reputation.

  1. Reach Out – Speak with a trusted individual for help. Talk the situation through and enjoy emotional support.
  2. Save Proof – Take screenshots, record voice chats and gather as much evidence as you can that the bullying is occurring. If you build up enough evidence, you can get help from law enforcement and school officials.
  3. Reach Out For Help – If you’re facing the more extreme types of cyber bullying, you should go to a school administrator or the police department as soon as you have your proof.
  4. Get Away From the Platform – Sign out of your email, get away from the social media platform, and stop using the device on which bulling is there.
  5. Report and Block the Individual – Immediately block and report the bully on the platform you’re using if you can.
  6. Talk with Mental Health Professional – Speak with a therapist about the bullying and get help feeling better and working through any issues caused by the attacks.

Cyber bullying and Identity Theft Go Hand-In-Hand: How to Prevent Them

Identity theft is a more extreme type of cyber-bullying that can damage your credit, hurt your relationships, and leave you feeling hopeless. If an individual uses your personal information to create new accounts and poses as you, that’s identity theft. This is a serious crime that can cause real-world problems for you. To prevent identity theft issues, avoid giving away personal information about yourself as much as possible.

Don’t give others your Social Security number and other private details. Be careful to guard any of your personal documents when they don’t store safely. Consider using identity theft protection services for added safety. These services inform you when things change on your credit. Use the help to keep yourself protected and to react faster to attacks.  If you make these confidential documents available to other people, they have an opportunity to misuse them and could do real harm to you online.

Being cyber bullied leaves you financially, mentally, and socially scarred. You have options to protect yourself, though. If you document the incidents, report the problems, and work with professionals, you can get through most cyber bullying attacks effectively. React quickly, and don’t let even small instances of cyber bullying slide, and you’ll protect yourself more effectively as a result. React quickly, and you can recover from most instances of cyber bullying by taking the power back.

By Punit