Swell Soubra has always fit into a space that others might describe as unexpected. To witness his performances, one can only refer to this quality as a strength. It makes sense when you consider that this Geneva native left a successful business career in a country noted for the finer things to pursue his acting pursuits in Hollywood among the other dreamers. That same journey on the “path less taken” directs this blue eyed leading man type to chase roles that straddle the fence of legal ethics. The actor seems to be naturally inclined to convey a sense of what’s right, even when it circumvents man-made law. His role in two upcoming films makes proper use of this trait as well as the vulnerability he so easily infuses into his characters. Director Angelo Perrino, who cast Swell as the lead in his award-winning (Madrid International Film Festival)/Academy Award shortlisted/ Cannes Film Festival screened film Alone declares, “Swell is so demanding of himself. He’s one of those actors who loves to get out of his comfort zone and improvise, taking the character into new places. It was a great pleasure to work with such a fine actor.” What Angelo communicates in his director’s vernacular is that Swell Soubra avoids the obvious choice in deference to what is surprising and in the final outcome, most satisfying.

Swell will be playing up that unanticipated quality with his role as Detective James McAllister in director Brianne Davis’s thriller A Place Apart. As a lawman aiding a prostitute in breaking her brother out of jail, McAllister uses deception and wit honed by years of interacting with those who know how to circumvent legal boundaries. McAllister is encumbered by the demons of his past and sees an opportunity to help someone through his skillset rather than reinforcing their incarceration. Swell reveals, “James obviously has a soft spot for Lilly (the prostitute). Even though he’s spent his life presenting himself as tough cop, he shows his vulnerability to her. When you truly connect with someone, they will value your vulnerability. This is what’s real. We all do it. I want to show these two seemingly contradictory sides of James and I feel that the audience will recognize this in themselves.” Directed by Brianne Davis, written by J.L. Blakely, and shot by DP Roger Chingirian (known for his work on Southland Tales and the BAFTA nominated Spider-Man 3), A Place Apart promises to be intoxicating in numerous ways.

Producer Noam Friedlander was captivated by Swell’s performance in Alone and reached out to him in hopes of casting Soubra for the television drama series Sleepless City. Swell couldn’t resist accepting the role of every boy’s dream, an international spy. The actor remarks, “I always wanted to embody a character that would infiltrate governments or powerful families and understand what happens behind closed doors, especially in such a secretive government. Understanding the grasp that some people have over important national decision is quite fascinating to me. There is so much that we know through the news, but the reality as to why things happen the way they do is influenced by some mighty people, nationally and internationally.” The film is set in Shanghai during the early twentieth century and relates the power held by a number of families who controlled the international trade for which it was a hub. Swell has immersed himself in studies of this iconic Chinese city. He sees it as one of the benevolent byproducts of his career noting, “It’s one of the unexpected benefits of being an actor: you learn so much about other cultures. Shanghai is fascinating and I’ve loved the discovery of this place and its people. They lived simply and were not so fixated on material possessions as we are these days. That helps me grow as an actor to see what things were like back then.” It’s likely that the setting and theme of Sleepless City will play well in the international market; an essential factor in modern production success. While unable to state where Sleepless City will air due to an NDA, it will be on one of the most successful streaming platforms in the world.
Writer: Louie Paglia