Prompts for Writers
Prompts for Writers

Looking for inspiration for your next story? A story plot generator can help jumpstart your creativity and give you fresh ideas for your writing. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best plot generator tips and prompts for writers, including AI story and fantasy plot generators and writing prompts.

What is the best AI story generator? is one of the best AI story plot generators available today. It uses advanced algorithms and natural language processing to generate unique and engaging story plots based on user inputs.

The platform provides a user-friendly interface where users can input various parameters such as genre, setting, characters, themes, and plot elements. then uses these inputs to generate a story plot that is unique and customized to the user’s preferences.

The system’s ability to analyze large amounts of data and generate plots that are coherent and logical sets it apart from other plot generators. Additionally, the AI’s ability to learn and improve over time ensures that the plot suggestions become increasingly accurate and relevant to the user’s needs.

Overall, is the best AI story plot generator because of its advanced technology, customized output, and continuous improvement to provide the user with the best possible plot suggestions.

What is the top free AI story generator?

WriteMe.Ai is the top free AI story generator. The free plan gives access to 2000 credits per month. Pro plans start only from $9/month.

How to create a plot?

Creating a story plot can be a creative and rewarding process. Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Define your story idea: 

Start with a clear concept for your story. This could be a character, a setting, a theme, or a conflict. For example, your story idea could be about a detective who solves a murder in a small town.

2. Develop your characters: 

Create interesting and well-rounded characters that will drive your plot forward. Consider their goals, motivations, and conflicts. For example, your detective could be a hard-boiled investigator who is haunted by a past failure and is driven to solve the case to redeem himself.

3. Outline your plot: 

Create an outline of your story, including the key plot points, such as the inciting incident, rising action, climax, and resolution. For example, your outline could include the discovery of the body as the inciting incident, the detective interviewing suspects and gathering clues as the rising action, the confrontation with the killer as the climax, and the killer being brought to justice as the resolution.

4. Build tension: 

Create conflict and tension throughout your story to keep readers engaged. For example, you could have the detective face obstacles and setbacks as he tries to solve the case, and have the killer threaten the detective or other characters.

5. Create subplots: 

Subplots can add depth and complexity to your story, so consider incorporating them into your plot. For example, you could have a romantic subplot between the detective and a witness or have a side plot involving a local politician who is implicated in the murder.

6. Edit and revise: 

After completing a first draft, revise and edit your plot to ensure it flows well and is cohesive. Look for areas where you can tighten up the plot or add more detail to build tension and suspense. Consider getting feedback from beta readers or a writing group to help improve your story.

How do you get AI to write a story?

1. Choose the right AI writing tool: 

There are many AI writing tools available, each with its own unique features and capabilities. Research and try out different options to find the one that best fits your needs.

2. Provide a clear prompt: 

AI writing tools work best when given a clear and specific prompt. This can be a theme, character, setting, or any other detail that will guide the story.

3. Use natural language: 

When interacting with an AI writer, use natural language to convey your ideas. Avoid overly technical language or jargon that may confuse the tool.

4. Review and edit: 

While AI writing tools can generate content quickly, it’s important to review and edit the output to ensure it fits the intended narrative and style. Use human judgment and creativity to refine the story and make it your own.

5. Experiment and have fun: 

AI writing is still a relatively new technology, so don’t be afraid to experiment and explore its capabilities. Use it as a tool to spark your own creativity and generate new ideas. Above all, have fun and enjoy the process!

What type of Story Plots can AI Story Plot Generators Write?

Artificial intelligence (AI) story generators can produce a wide range of story plots. Here are some common types of story plots that can be generated using AI:

1. Hero’s Journey: 

This is a classic story plot that follows a protagonist on a transformative journey, facing challenges and growing in the process.

2. Romance: 

This type of plot revolves around a love story between two or more characters.

3. Mystery: 

A mystery plot involves a puzzle or crime that must be solved by the protagonist.

4. Thriller: 

A thriller plot is often suspenseful and involves a protagonist facing danger or intrigue.

5. Sci-fi/Fantasy: 

This type of plot is set in a fictional world with elements of science fiction or fantasy, often featuring otherworldly creatures or technology.

6. Adventure: 

An adventure plot typically follows a protagonist on a quest or exploration, often in a far-off land or exotic location.

7. Comedy: 

This type of plot is meant to be humorous and may include absurd situations or characters.

8. Drama: 

A dramatic plot often involves intense emotions and interpersonal relationships, and may be based on real-life events.

9. Horror: 

A horror plot involves elements of fear or terror, often featuring supernatural or grotesque themes.

10 . Historical Fiction: 

This type of plot is set in a specific historical time period and may include real-life events or figures.


With the help of a story plot generator, you can unlock new and exciting ideas for your writing. Whether you’re using an AI writer or a random plot generator, incorporating writing prompts and developing your characters and subplots can help you create a cohesive and engaging story. So start exploring and see where your writing journey takes you!