Textile Art Care Tips

Who doesn’t love to collect beautiful art pieces for themselves? They look stunning and add to the beauty of your place and fill your heart with joy. But purchasing art pieces is one thing and then taking care is another. Many people buy many art pieces for their collection but neglect to take these pieces’ right care. It is essential to take proper care of your art pieces as you do with your other significant possessions. 

It is easy to ruin the artwork if the right storage, usage, and cleaning are not done. Like every other artwork, the textile art piece also requires special attention and maintenance. This artwork is a treasure for you and your family members. With the right preservation steps, you can enhance its life and beauty. The textile art pieces are too delicate and need extra care, so here are some tips that will help you in taking care of that textile art piece and conserve it for the future: 

1. Airflow:

Storing the textile art piece in a sealed environment is not the best idea to keep it safe. Some people pack the artwork in a plastic bag so no one would touch or harm it. But this step leads to a lack of airflow, which may condensate and result in damaging the art piece. It would be best if you let the artwork breathe. Mostly when it is made of textile, it needs a proper flow of air. If you want to keep it away from the reach of kids or your pets who can mishandle the piece, instead of packing it in a plastic bag, try keeping it in the upper shelves or away from their reach. 

2. Washing:

If you have bought artwork and nothing is mentioned about the washing tips, it is best to consider that it is not washable. People often assume that if the artwork’s information being non-washable is not given, it can be washable. But that’s not the case with textile artwork. You should never wash the artwork unless the textile artist has mentioned it in the description. Washing the art piece with water or any cleaning agent can harm its structure. It is advised to only dust the article with vacuum cleaners. It is a highly essential step to follow to preserve your art piece.

3, Odor:

Textile artwork is more prone to catch strong smells in its layers. You must not spray strong perfume or room freshener around this item. These sprays have a powerful smell that can stick to your textile art piece. It is also advised not to smoke or cook around the room where the artwork is kept. Chances are the aroma of food and the smoke smell will remain in the textile piece. 

4. Atmosphere:

Considering the right atmosphere for your art piece is essential because this can affect it directly. Try keeping the art piece away from direct sunlight and humidity. These are not regarded as suitable for textile artwork. Insects are also an enemy of your textile art. The insects are considered not ideal for any art piece but especially harmful for textile pieces. Keeping textile artwork under direct sunlight for long hours can result in fading. Excess sunlight can also cause cracks in the paintings or art pieces. If the room in which these pieces are kept gets direct sunlight, you need to cover it with protective film. This step will hinder the UV rays from entering the room.

5. Stain or marks:

We all know the struggle of removing the stain from our clothes. Some stains are removed easily, but it is impossible to remove some of the heavy stains. In the latter case, it ruins your cloth. The same is the case with the textile artwork because it is made of fabric that catches stains quickly. It is also not possible to wash all the art pieces because it can damage the work. The best step for this issue is to prevent the textile art piece from any stain.

The executives in the museum wear white gloves while they are handling the art piece. But you can’t wear it all day long. So the better idea is to keep the artwork from anyone’s reach. The location must be easily accessible to you to clean or handle the piece but not in everyday routine. This is one of the best prevention steps for conserving the textile art piece.

Wrapping Up

You can follow these simple steps to preserve your art piece. It is also advised to consider all the instructions that are provided with the artwork for good handling. In case of any doubts, you can also take help from experts for better guidance.