Link Building Process

A vital facet of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is Link Building. You may have spent so many hours creating the perfect post, but if search engines can’t track at least one or two links to it, it won’t be able to get the appreciation it deserves. It would take days or even a week for there to be a decent number of visits to your website or web page. For there to be an increase in the quality and quantity of the website traffic to your content, it must be linked to other websites.

However, the quality of the websites you link to your own also matters! Not all links can give benefit to your website or web page. You must be concerned and aware of the overall quality of the website content you’re linking yours to. If taken lightly, your negligence may deeply negatively affect your site. So, how can you make your link building process easier and much more efficient?

1. Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging, also called Guest Posting, is an SEO technique where a blog post is written and published on a third party’s blog or website to promote their own corporate or personal brand. Statistics show that businesses that blog have the ability to generate more or less 97% more inbound links as well as 55% more visitors to their sites on average. Although, a lot of companies are now using guest blogging to their advantage, so how can you compete and generate a lot more authority links?

Guest Posting can benefit both the blog site owner and the guest blogger. It is a great way of growing your blog without making too much effort. Anyone can write and accept guest posts. However, that doesn’t mean that those written posts are acceptable to be considered to be posted. Quality check is a must. If you’re ever planning on buying guest posts, there are a ton of available sites that offers premium quality guest posting services. Just choose which one fits your goals and suits your liking.

Another way of easing your link building process is to use resource links originating from highly trusted sites. Think of resource links as a sort of like a guide that you gather for your target audiences. Most blog and authority sites have resource pages that you could get ideas from when you’re creating your own. A leading site may have put together an enumeration of blogs belonging to your industry, and this can result in visitors finding what they’re looking for much easier.

You can use this to your own advantage and create an even bigger resource article to acquire more backlinks. After it’s written, you can get links by emailing those blogs you’ve included. This works because you’ve created a certain level of trust and appreciation for them.

If you’re too busy to create content for your blog or write one for a guest post, the Broken Links Strategy might be the best option for you. As a busy marketer, you have a lot to juggle on your hands, and creating quality content might become harder with your limited time. So, how does it work?

A broken or dead link is simply a link that no longer works. This technique involves searching for blog pages that have dead links. When you find one, send a request to the blogger to replace the link attached to it with your own containing similar content to the previous one. It’s a win-win for both parties. This method can be in your own blog as well. If you find a dead link in your own site, it serves as an opportunity for you to be able to link with a new resource with higher relevance and value.

While you’re too busy looking for new links, you forget to keep track of the ones you’ve already made. Sometimes It is important to track your status in order for you to know whether you should pause or build more. You may have a couple of hundred links directed to your webpages as of now. But wait for a couple of days and even weeks. That number could already have a portion of it gone without you even noticing it.

Actively engaging and monitoring your links in varying social media platforms and sites. Also steadily contributing to other blogs can help increase your link gains on a daily basis. Obviously, you do not have control over other blogs and authority sites that link to yours. They can easily remove your link from their resource page. They can also link without you even knowing it, or even notifying you about it.

Editorial links are one-directional links within the body of content. These are naturally given by other websites that would specify a resource. In simple terms, it is basically the citation or reference of the information or data found on the content where the link is located.

These types of links are believed to be one of the most powerful, valuable, and sought after links. This is because these are freely given by sites that aren’t looking for anything in exchange. These links also really carry weight in signaling search engines that specific content in a site offers great value. It tells that they should take it back to the results for other people to see.

The simplest way to earn this is through Trust. Getting natural editorial links can surely highlight the trust between the connection of the destination page of the link and the linker. A link profile focused on earning special mentions from trusted sites surely will indicate a stronger brand. It will eventually lead to higher rankings.

Link Building

These are just some of the techniques to ease your link building process. It’s not easy, especially when you’re going solo and doing everything on your own. If you’re still finding it hard, take the time to create your own strategy and the tactics to reach your goals. Take one step at a time, instead of rushing everything. While you’re at it, be sure to apply these techniques to ease your way there.

By Punit