Oral health is essential to maintain overall health. Your mouth is the gateway to respiratory and digestive tracts. Even the digestion of food starts in the mouth before it passes to your stomach and other parts of the digestive system.

So, oral health should be perfect for maintaining overall health. However, there are many things that impact oral health, but most people are unaware of them. This post shares all the risk factors that impact oral health and how you can keep them in control.

Oral Health

Like other areas of the body, your mouth is full of bacteria – most harmless. But the mouth is the gateway to the respiratory and digestive tract, and this bacteria in the mouth can cause diseases.

Generally, the natural defense of our body and daily hygiene like brushing, flossing controls the bacteria in our mouth. However, in the absence of oral hygiene, the bacteria increase too much to cause infections in the mouth, such as cavities and gum disease.

Studies suggest that severe inflammation of oral bacteria and gum disease (periodontitis) may play a role in some diseases that can reduce the immunity to infections and increase oral health problems.

1. Heart Diseases

Endocarditis – This infection of the lining of the heart valves or chambers is caused when viruses or bacteria from other body parts like the mouth spread into the blood and several areas of the heart.

Cardiovascular disease – Although the relation between cardiovascular illnesses and oral health is not entirely clear, research suggests that the problems like stroke, heart disease, and clogged arteries may be linked to inflammation and infection that can cause oral bacteria.

2. Diabetes

Oral Health

By decreasing the body’s immunity against infections, diabetes puts your gums at risk. In people with diabetes, gum disease is more frequent and severe. Research shows that people with gum disease have a harder time controlling blood sugar levels. Routine periodontal care can improve diabetes control. If you have gum disease and diabetes, you will probably need to see a specialist – a periodontist – who can recommend gum surgery. Inform your diabetes team about any gum disease so they can keep it under control with good oral hygiene and healthy eating.

3. Kidney disease

There is a bidirectional link between chronic kidney diseases and gum issues. Prolonged kidney illnesses can impair heart disease, bone health, and hypertension, all related to gum disease. In turn, prolonged gum infections may be the reason for inflammation in other parts of the body. It can also damage the kidneys.

Everyone needs to maintain their oral health for healthy teeth and gums, but if you have kidney disease, a mild infection in your mouth can be a bit more serious. Take the best care of your mouth, and you can go to the dentist.

4. Obesity

Obesity can lead to many other diseases, including oral health. It can cause inflammation of gums and other oral problems. If you are very overweight, you are at greater risk of developing periodontitis. Although it is not clear that obesity is the root cause of periodontitis, inflammation can combine both problems.

Fat cells can produce amino acids that cause inflammation, and gum disease is an inflammatory condition. If you are overweight, talk to your doctor to gain and maintain a healthy weight, which will reduce the chances of developing gum disease or other medical conditions associated with obesity.

5. Osteoporosis

If you have osteoporosis, which usually affects older men and women, then your bones become thinner and more fragile. Loose teeth are a strong sign of weak bones in the body of a person. Dental radiographs indicate that his jaw has become less dense, causing the teeth to become loose. You may require a change in diet and medication to treat osteoporosis. Do not wait until you have an annual physical exam. Now talk to your doctor if the dentist finds symptoms of the disease.

People suffering from any of these illnesses should visit their dentist for a routine checkup, even if they don’t face any oral health problems.

Final Words

These were the top five risk factors that impact oral health in many ways. People who suffer from these illnesses or any other kind of illness should pay attention to their oral health and visit their dentist regularly. Following the advice of your physician, dentist and taking the recommended diet can help you heal from health problems. If you’re currently looking for a dentist, you can check out this dentist for your oral care needs.

By Punit