Health Conditions disrupt sleep

In today’s time of competitive world getting good sleep at night is very important. Getting sound sleep and without waking up frequently means a healthy body and mind. Sleep disorders such as insomnia are related to a few medical health conditions. There are ten medical conditions that disrupt sleeping conditions.

1. Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition when the muscle between the stomach and the esophagus doesn’t seal properly and creates heartburn. In the sleep posture, the acid is flown out of the stomach. It is always advised not to sleep immediately after eating. Heavy meals should be avoided. Consumption of alcohol and caffeine is also not advised.

2. Depression

Research over a period of years has suggested that depressed people experience insomnia. Some find difficulty in sleeping while others find it difficult staying asleep. Antidepressants used to treat depression are considered a contributing factor leading to insomnia.

3. Nocturnal asthma

Individuals with asthma have frequent sleep disorders because of wheezing, coughing and breathing difficulties. Asthma attacks are more frequent during the night as the airway is constricted. Few medications which are used to treat Asthma also cause insomnia and disturbed sleep.

4. Diabetes

Diabetes also contributes to sleeping disorders. Night sweats blood sugar fluctuations and needs to urinate frequently lead to disturbed sleep. Due to diabetes, there is poor blood circulation, leg cramps, burning sensation, and tingling sensation. These reasons prevent sound sleep.

5. Exhaustion

There is a difference between exhaustion and tiredness. Generally, it is considered that an exhausted body leads to good sleep but actually it is not. A tired body leads to better sleep. Fatigue and emotional stress affects the efficiency of sleep.

6. Restless Legs Syndrome

In this condition there is a continuous urge to move the legs. The feeling to move the legs tends to worsen at night. These movements affect the quality of sleep. Individuals affected with this find it longer to sleep.

7. Arthritis

This disease does not affect directly the sleep quality. The pain associated with this disease affects it. The pain causes continuous movements which causes regular waking up.


Thyroid can be easily detected through a simple blood test. This disease has become very common and is easily treatable with medication. An overactive thyroid gland can cause restless night sweats and whereas while an under-active thyroid gland can cause excessive sleep during the day.

9. Irritable bowel syndrome

In this condition there is abdominal cramping, bloating and excessive gas. It can cause both diarrhea and constipation. This disease is associated with stress. Individuals having this problem have difficulty in sleeping as they constantly experience stomach aches.


Women who are about to end their periods generally experience sleep disorders. With the end of periods Progesterone levels drop. This hormone helps inducing sleep. Changing levels of hormone affect the sleep cycle.

Sleep disorders caused due to medical problems are treatable. Treating the medical disorder will help to cure insomnia and induce sleep for a healthy life.